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rMY OF Stl1()S~lH
In the Know in St. Joseph
Volume 1, Issue 1
July 20, 2007
City Contact Information
Mayor Al Rassier
115-9th Avenue SE
St. Joseph MN 56374
Councilor Dale Wick
1211 Dale Street East
St. Joseph MN 56374
Councilor Renee Symanietz
354-4th Avenue SE
St. Joseph MN 56374
(320) 980-1461
Councilor Steve Frank
606 Birch Street West
St. Joseph MN 56374
(320) 493-0311
Councilor Rick Schultz
326-7th Avenue SE
St. Joseph MN 56374
(320) 363-4334
Administrator Tudy Weyrens
PO Box 668
St. Joseph MN 56374
(320) 363-7201
Police Chief Pete T ansky
PO Box 268
St. Joseph MN 56374
(320) 363-8250
pj ansky@cityofstjoseph.com
Public Works Dir. Dick Taufen
PO Box 668
St. Joseph MN 56374
(320) 363-7201
Welcome to the City Newsletter
Welcome to the first edition of the St. Joseph City Newsletter-In the Know in St. Joseph.
The purpose of this newsletter is to inform the residents of St. Joseph of the "happenings" of
the City. The newsletter will include recent actions of the City Council, upcoming City Coun-
cil events, update on City projects and articles of interest.
This newsletter will be published bi-monthly and will be distributed with the utility bill.
Watch future editions for our quiz feature and see how you can win St. Joseph Chamber dol-
In addition to the newsletter, the City maintains a website-www.cityofstjoseph.com. The
website is another communication tool that we hope to enhance over the next couple of
months. The website includes a variety of information, some of which includes: City Council
Contact Information; Ordinance Regulations, Transportation Study Updates, Council and
Planning Commission Minutes/Agendas, Forms and Building Permit Information.
Water Filtration Plant Nearing Completion
In 2006 the City began construction
on a second water filtration plant.
The water filtration plant is responsi-
ble for purifying our water supply. As
many of you may recall in 2006 the
City had to strictly enforce the water
restrictions as we were consuming
water faster than we could produce.
The water treatment capacity in 2006
was approximately 950,000 gallons
per day. The new water plant can
treat an additional 3 million gallons
per day with an expansion capacity of
an additional 1.5 million gallons per
day. The new plant went on line at
the end of April and has been charg-
ing the water lines since.
Some residents have been experienc-
ing discolored water. This discolora-
tion is a result of placing the new wa-
ter plant on-line. Part of the process
requires the water to flow in the oppo-
site direction as in the past. Some of
the existing pipes are old and mineral
deposits have built in
the inside of the pipes.
As the water flow has
changed, some min-
eral deposits are re-
leasing. Please note
that the water is com-
pletely safe to drink.
The water is tested on
a regular basis and has
passed all State of Min-
nesota regulations.
If the discoloration
affects your laundry
the City Office has a
solution that can be
added to your laundry
removing and affects.
The maintenance staff
appreciates your pa-
tience as we work
through this process.
If you have any concerns
feel free to contact the
City Offices at 363-7201.
When the water plant is
completed the City will be
inviting residents to an
open house where you will
have the opportunity to
see how water is treated.
Watch upcoming articles
for details.
WEEDS, WEEDS, WEEDS - What is the Ordinance governing weeds?
Submitted by City Attorney, Tom Jovanovich.
In recent months, the City of St.
Joseph has received a number of
complaints from city residents con-
cerning the responsibility for weed
and brush control on various prop-
erties throughout the City. Many
answers regarding weed and brush
control are located in Section 106
of the City Ordinance, which sets
out a number of provisions con-
cerning weed and brush control
and the ramifications that may
result if the Ordinance is violated.
What weeds and brush need to be
controlled by the City? It is
unlawful to have any growth of
noxious weeds, grasses or rank
vegetation to a height of greater
than ten (10) inches or any accu-
mulation of dead weeds or grasses
on any lot or land, or on or along
any sidewalk adjacent to any lot or
land, or along any street boulevard
or along any alley adjacent to the
lot or land, except compost piles
during the months of May through Sep-
tember. It is also unlawful for any per-
son to cause, permit or allow poison ivy,
rag weed, or other poisonous plants on
any land or lot so that the particles are
carried through the air into any public
Who has responsibility for weed and
brush control? The Ordinance specifi-
cally states that the responsibility lies
with the owner, lessee or occupant of any
lot or land.
Notice of Noxious Weeds and Cost of
Removal. The City Weed/Brush Ordi-
nance is ignored or violated, the City
Weed Inspector will serve written notice
of the violation to the owner of record. If
the violation is not corrected in ten days
of receipt of notice, or if no owner can be
found, the Weed Inspector will have the
weeds, grass and other vegetation on the
property cut and removed. The owner of
record will be billed at a rate of $ 60.00
per hour. Unpaid fees will be presented
to the City Council prior to the first day
in October of each year.
The amount charged against the property
will be a lien on the property and certified
to the County Auditor for collection with
the real estate taxes.
Misdemeanor Criminal Offense for failure
to control weeds and brush. Any person
who fails to cut and remove noxious
weeds, grass or other vegetation as di-
rected or violates any of the provisions of
the City weed and brush ordinance shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, which carries
a criminal penalty of up to a $ 1,000 fine
and/or 90 days in jail.
Exception for Noxious Weeds and Brush
located within Wetlands. The cutting,
mowing or burning of vegetation located
within a wetland is prohibited. However,
the City Ordinance contains a number of
exceptions, so please contact the City be-
fore removing weeds from a wetland.
Additional information is available on the
Web site under Ordinances.
AUGUST City Calendar
Note: Meeting dates and times are subject to change, watch the website for changes
Sun Man Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Note: Compost 1 2 3 4
stickers are re- City Council
quired and are 7:00 PM
available at the Compost Open Compost Open Compost Open
City Offices-$ 1 5 4:00-8:00 4:00-8:00 9:00- 1 :00
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Commission Compost Open Compost Open Compost Open
7:00 PM 4:00-8:00 4:00-8:00 9:00- 1 :00
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Tentative Budget City Council
5:00 PM Compost Open 7:00 PM Compost Open Compost Open
4:00-8:00 4:00-8:00 9:00- 1 :00
19 20 21 22 Tentative 23 24 25
EDA 3:00 PM
Park Board Compost Open Compost Open Compost Open
7:00 PM 4:00-8:00 4:00-8:00 9:00-1 :00
26 27 28 29 Tentative 30 31
Budget 5:00 PM
Compost Open Compost Open
4:00-8:00 4:00-8:00
Let~~ f7() [)()Wnt()Wn - St. Joseph's Revitalization Project
In May of 2005 a St. Joseph
Downtown Committee began in-
vestigating whether or not support
for a long-term downtown revitali-
zation project existed and poten-
tial strategies to ultimately
achieve a successful revitalization
effort. The Committee's efforts
culminated in May of 2006 when
the group presented a recommen-
dation to the St. Joseph Economic
Development Authority and the
City Council to proceed with a 15-
year revitalization plan. The Com-
mittee recommendation was ap-
proved and the revitalization pro-
ject was subsequently authorized
by the City Council on May 19,
The revitalization effort is framed in
the context of a national renaissance
in downtowns and re-emergence of
traditional neighborhood design
driven by a desire to reconnect with
the building blocks of community,
including: shared history, hometown
pride and small town atmosphere. A
vital downtown not only maximizes
the community's investment in infra-
structure, but it also brings people
into the community and retains peo-
ple in the community therefore bene-
fitting other business owners
throughout the City.
Committee Members hope that the
future downtown St. Joseph will be a
place loved by those who live, work,
shop and play there. It will have
preserved its architectural and histori-
cal integrity, small town qualities, and
pleasing, safe environment. At the
same time, it will be a place of
strength where people go to engage in
cultural, social, recreational and com-
mercial activities.
This project is well under way. The
Planning Commission in August will
be conducting a public hearing on the
design standards drafted by the Urban
Environments Group. Contact the
City Offices for more information on
the project milestone and watch for
more information on this exciting pro-
ject and the soon to launched web site:
Submitted by Dale Wick,
Committee Member
Improvement Proiect Updates
The City has a number of street
projects that have either started
or will begin shortly. The fol-
lowing is a brief summary of
each project:
Northland Drive Signal: Stearns
County has opened the bids for
the signal project at Northland
Drive and CSAH 75. The City
Council will approve the agree-
ment on Thursday, July 19 and
the County will award the bid
the following week. Construc-
tion should be complete this
2007 East Side Improvements:
This project is well underway
and should be completed by the
end of July. Streets in this pro-
ject include: Able Street East
from 12th Ave SE to 8th Avenue
SE; Able Street E to Baker
SubmiHed by Tracy Ekola and Randy Sabart, City Engineers
Street E; Callaway Street E from
12th Ave SE to 9th Avenue SE;
Dale Street East from 12th Ave.
SE to 9th Ave. SE; 9th Ave SE
from Baker Street E to Dale
Street E; 10th Ave SE from Cal-
laway Street E to Klinefelter
Park; 11 th Avenue SE from Cal-
laway Street E to Dale Street
East. The improvements also
include the pavement of the
parking area in Klinefelter Park.
The park is open during con-
struction, please access from
Klinefelter Way.
2007 .T ade Road Improvements.
The project includes the exten-
sion of municipal utilities to
serve the new River's Bend Sub-
division (south of St. Joseph
Township Hall) and District 742
School site. The project will also
include construction of right turn lanes at
Iverson Street and Jade Road, realignment of
Jade Road with County Road 121 and a
paved and lighted bituminous trail along
County Road 121 and Jade Road. Construc-
tion is anticipated to begin the week of July
23, 2007.
County RD 121 Sewer Repair: This project
includes the repair of a portion of the sewer
line installed in 2002. The section needing
repair is between the CSB Presidents House
and the gas substation. It is anticipated that
the dewatering will last seven to 10 days.
During this time traffic
will be limited to one
lane. The actual repair
will take the same
amount of time but CR
121 will be closed and
detoured to CR 138.
The project should be-
gin in the next 10 days.
Oops... Do I need a
Building Pe..anit?
If you plan to do some building or remodeling please check with the Building Inspector prior to starting work to
assure that you have the proper permits. The City Building Inspector is Lee Gladitsch and he can be reached at 320
It is in your best interest to go through a building and zoning review early in the planning stages of your project.
The Building Inspector will complete the plan reviews and issue permits in a timely manner. Building permits for
roofing and siding can usually be completed in one to two days. Some of the things we look at are: land use, build-
ing setbacks, lot coverage, drainage, utilities and building plans as they relate to the State Building Code.
If your project requires a special use permit, interim use permit or variance you must contact the City Zoning Ad-
ministrator, Judy Weyrens, 320-363-7201. The need for such could delay your project six to eight weeks. The
length of time will depend on when the plans have been submitted and when your application is considered com-
plete. The Planning Commission only meets once a month and they only hear complete applications. The submit-
tal deadline for the Planning Commission is four weeks prior to the meeting.
With regard to building permits, permits are required for almost any construction completed within the St. Joseph
corporate limits. If you were to remodel or add-on in a way that does not meet building or zoning requirements,
you could be required to correct the remodeling or remove an addition.
Building and zoning rules provide for orderly development within the City of St. Joseph. The rules generally pro-
tect your property from adjacent properties and vice versa. If the building and zoning rules are not followed, the
safety of building occupants, the safety of the public, and the safety of firefighters could be jeopardized. Also, not
complying with the rules could cause a problem with resale of your home and could negatively impact your prop-
erty value.
If you have any building permit questions, please call Lee Gladitsch, Building Inspector at 320-363-7201.
Q: Why do we have a water restriction when the new water plant is finished?
A: Every municipality is required to submit a water conservation plan to the State of MN. This
plan must identify how the City encourages water conservation. The City of St. Joseph chose to
voluntary enforce water restrictions year round regardless of the water supply. The water restriction is based on
your house number with even numbered houses watering on even number calendar days and odd numbered houses
watering on odd numbered days. The water restriction is enforced by the Police Department and usually residents
receive one warning.
Q: How do you know if I have a private well for outdoor watering?
A: Residents with private wells should register the wells with the City Offices. Upon receiving the completed regis-
tration form the maintenance staff verifies the separate water connection and the property is then added to the
well data base which is used by the Police Department for enforcement. There is no fee for the registration.
Q: What if I have just laid new sod, can I water the lawn everyday?
A: Residents with new sod can obtain a 30 day permit that allows for watering everyday. This provision applies to
new yards only. Once an application is received, the Police Department verifies the installation of new lawn
and issues a permit. The permit fee is $ 25.00.
Q: What are the City Office business hours?
A: The City Office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Residents can also drop off payments or
applications in the drop box located underneath the canopy on the south side of the building.