HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 [07] July • In the Know in Si. J ose h
ct'IN OF sr..JOSE:PH c. ... July 2012
City Contact Information met '7,_ PRIMARY ELECTION AUGUST 14, 2012
• ; The City of St. Joseph has two voting precincts and they are as follows:
Mayor Rick Schultz
326 - 7th Ave SE PRECINCT 1: All eligible voters residing west of College Avenue. Polling place is located at Ken -
St. Joseph MN 56374 nedy Elementary school, 1300 Jade Road.
320 - 260 - 0393 PRECINCT 2: All eligible voters residing east of College Avenue, Polling place is located at the
rschultz25 @msn.com St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 -4th Ave NE.
POLL HOURS: Polls are open from 7 AM until 8 PM.
Councilor Dale Wick
1211 Dale Street East ABSENTEE VOTING —If you're going to be absent from your precinct on election day, you may vote
St. Joseph MN 56374 by absentee ballot. To cast an absentee ballot in person, you may vote at the Stearns County Audi -
320 363 - 0221 tor's Office on the following schedule:
contactdalewick @hotmail.com Weekdays 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM now through Friday, August 10.
Saturday August 11th from 10 AM until 3PM.
Councilor Renee Symanietz Monday, August 13th 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
354 4th Avenue SE
St. Joseph MN 56374 To cast an absentee ballot in by mail, you may complete and return an absentee ballot application
(320) 980 - 1461 to the Auditor's Office. Absentee ballot applications are available in the City Offices and online at
symanietzrenee @qmail.com www.co.stearns.mn.us /Government /Elections
PRE - REGISTRATION: You may register to
vote by completing a Voter Registration Applica-
Councilor Steve Frank
606 Birch Street West tion and submit it by mail, fax or in- person at the
St. Joseph MN 56374 city of St. Joseph Stearns County Courthouse. For you name to
(320) 493 - 0311 '*1 ELECT /ON2912 appear on the polling place roster, register at
sfrank @stcloudstate.edu least 20 days before Election Day. For the 2012
FILING FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICES Primary Election register by July 24th at 5 PM,
The State General Election on November and for the 2012 General Election register by
Councilor Bob Loso October 16th at 5 PM. Registering before elec-
301 Birch Street West 6, 2012 will include the following offices: g g
St. Joseph MN 56374 Mayor -2 yr term tion day can save you long waits in the precinct
(320) 363 - 8703 2 Council positions -4 yr terms ELECTION DAY REGISTRATION: Minnesota per -
bobloso @q.com mits same day registration provided that you:
Candidates must complete and submit an El Will be at least 18 yrs old on Election Day
Affidavit of Candidacy (notarized) and a
Administrator Judy Weyrens $2 filing fee. 4 Are a citizen of the United States
PO Box 668 Filings open at 8 AM Tuesday, July 31st, closing i Will have resided in Minnesota for 20 days
St. Joseph MN 56374 at 5 PM Tuesday, August 14, 2012. Qualifica- immediately preceding Election Day
(320) 363 -7201 tions for office include:
jweyrens @cityofstjoseph.com I Eligible to vote Have any felony conviction record dis-
charged, expired, or completed
2. Will be 21 years old on assuming office; and
Police Chief Pete Jansky 0 Are not under court - ordered guardianship
PO Box 268 0•Will have been a resident of the city for 30
days before the general election where a court has revoked your voting
St. Joseph MN 56374 rights or have not been ruled legally incom-
(320) 363 -8250
pjansky @cityofstjoseph.com patent by a court of low.
Public Works Dir. Terry Thene Parking pads for Residential Units in All Zoning Districts: Parking facilities must feature improved surfaces and be
PO Box 668 made part of or adjacent to the existing driveway and /or be located in the side yard. The improvement shall pro -
St. Joseph MN 56374 vide a durable, dust -free surface consisting of concrete, asphalt, pavers of similar materials. Existing driveways
(320) 363 -7201 not currently improved to a durable and dust -free surface are not required to be upgraded unless it is determined
tthene @cityoftjoseph.com that the current driveway surface materials are washing into the public street causing a nuisance, or an expansion
to the existing gravel driveway is constructed. In no circumstance shall the site coverage exceed the maximum
impervious surface allowed for each zoning district. For R1 single family zoning districts the impervious surface
shall not exceed the limits identified in Section 52.27 Subd 9 (c).
k, '`
Weeellir e.-7-----.----eellicRect - ,
I'm ! !Poole %p tftwcze# ue#tt4 Applications now accepted at the J
. ' , �J ,' St. Joseph Police Department -----
- 50% OFF Summer Sale For more information call 363.8250. _- -
n LA BO R 'Cannot to ccmeined wrth otner otters. r , „ .. _.. . _ _ °~
11-11— Limited Time. Cail for Details
.. • MN License # BC319433 Safety Tips for Grilling and Campfires
320- 363 -4435 LeafGuar J ' Position the grill well away from siding, deck railing,
and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
8850 Ridgewood Ct, St Joseph MN 56374 (;et it . =1 nd tcvg et it "
RI Keep children and pets from the grill area: declare a
' -. ` * • -- t _, k.- three -foot "safe zone" around the grill.
it' '- NO r U GOOD PING SiKFE 0 If you own a propane grill, check the cylinder hose for
leaks before using it for the first time each year. A light
' , 4 ;,,e‘ w 00 O/� oFF LABoR soap water solutionyp applied g hose will reveal
3 escaping in g propane quickly by releasing bubbles.
�, / '�-rf: -<Y< •.• - -. '7 yes -•:• s cr.
n, 0 Avoid using soft wood, such as pine or cedar that will
e.-- likely pop and throw sparks, in a fire pit. Use of sea -
www. hem elmp rave m•nts.com soned hardwood is suggested.
0 Don't build a campfire at a site in hazardous, dry conditions or
l° RANDVIEWBUILDINGS.COM }/Extended Warranty
Portable Building if the campground, area, or event rules prohibit campfires.
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•Garages a minimum of 3'
E LECT MODE � , al
■Coked Barns � 320 - 363-4435 apart. Thank you!
•Custom Designs www.GrandviewBuildings.com
Aluminum Trailers ' • In the Know in St. Joseph Dock Systems R 0 ADAVAY a Joseph a
" ▪ December 20th for January mailing RATES /EDTION: •
wt MR et c • February 20th for March mailing
$100 — 4X41/2
• April 20th for May mailing $250 — 4X9 •
� ���// � � ���1 !! 320- 363 -8430 June 20th for July mailing $400 — 8X9
l:l•�.t. 54441-M-44 S��IGtl.Cij August 20th for September mailing "
9 SE 17th Ave • St Joseph MN _ • October 20th for November mailing a
• 7
� R
The City of St. Joseph invites you to "ROUND UP" your utility payment to the nearest dollar. The funds
collected will be used to improve City Parks. If you wish to participate m the Round Up Program please
this return REM l I '
complete form and it to the City Offices K
' n * * *
_ � ��� ' NAME: VOTE AUG 14th
,I1 r VW