HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 [01] Jan Newsletter
In the Know in St. Joseph
January 2015
Recogni?on of Service
City Contact Information
The ice rink in Memorial Park is now ready for City Council
to Steve
Thank you
hockey & recrea?onal skaters to enjoy. 1st & 3rd Mondays, 6 PM
Frank for serving the
Warming house hours are as follows: Planning Commission
community as a Coun-
Mayor Rick Schultz
Monday— Friday 4—8 PM 1st Thursday of the month, 6 PM
cilmember for the past
326—7th Ave SE
Saturdays & Sundays 12 noon—8 PM Park Board
8 years.
St. Joseph MN 56374
4th Wednesday of the month, 6 PM
Economic Development Authority
3rd Wednesday of the month, 5 PM
Fire Board; 6PM Fire Hall on
Looking for a place to host a gradua?on party, family reunion or
Wednesday, February 5th
workplace celebra?on? Why not reserve one of our park shelters?
Wednesday, May 7th
Councilor Dale Wick
The non-refundable rental fee including tax is $85.90. We also require
Wednesday, August 6th
1211 Dale Street East
a $100 damage deposit that is completely refundable if the park is
Wednesday, November 5th
St. Joseph MN 56374
found in good condi?on upon your departure. To make a reserva?on,
All mee?ngs are open to the public unless
please contact the City Offices at 363-7201.
otherwise indicated on their respec?ve
MILLSTREAM PARK: Located at the western edge of the City limits at
agenda. Changes in ?mes/dates will be
the intersec?on of CSAH 75 and Co Rd 2, Millstream Park provides a
noted on the City website at
variety of outdoor opportuni?es. The park hosts the following: so?ball
Councilor Renee Symanietz
diamonds, camping sites, fishing, nature trails, volleyball and horseshoe
354—4th Avenue SE
courts, and disc golf. Picnic areas are located throughout the park.
St. Joseph MN 56374
CENTENNIAL PARKLocated on Second Avenue Northwest, Centennial
Park is close to downtown and adjacent to CSAH 75. The park hosts
(320) 980-1461
volleyball, basketball, and horseshoe courts, playground equipment and
picnic areas.
MONDAYS 3:30-5:30
Reserva?ons are available May—September. Please note that reserving
Resurrec?on Lutheran Church
Councilor Matt Killam
a park shelter permits you exclusive use of the shelter only. The remain-
February 2 July 20
der of the parks remain open to the public.
120 Jasmine Lane
March 2 August 17
St. Joseph MN 56374
April 13 September 21
Housing Rehabilita?on Grant
(612) 245-4652
May 11 October 19
June 8 November 16
In 2014 the City received a $ 600,000 Block Grant to
December 14
provide funding assistance to low income residents
for housing rehabilita?on. Funding is s?ll available
Councilor Bob Loso
to qualified residents. To be eligible to par?cipate
301 Birch Street West
residents must own property in the target area and
During these darkened months we rely on
St. Joseph MN 56374
meet the federal low income guidelines. The target area includes
street lights to guide us safely along streets,
owner occupied homes south of County Road 75 between 1st & 5th
(320) 363-8703
sidewalks & intersec?ons . Please report
Avenues NE/SE; up to but not including Baker Street East.
street light outages or malfunc?ons to the
City Offices at 363.7201.
Eligible rehabilita?on projects can include replacement of exis?ng,
deteriorated exterior features such as roofing, soffit/fascia, gu?ers,
Administrator Judy Weyrens
siding, windows & doors. Interior items are also eligible and include
PO Box 668
electrical, plumbing, new furnaces, insula?on, health and safety
St. Joseph MN 56374
Water Line Freeze
items. Please note that remodeling or addi?ons do not qualify for
(320) 363-7201
While the City is not experiencing any frozen
funding. For more informa?on contact the Central MN Housing
water lines at this ?me, the City Engineer
Partnership, (320) 259-0393.
would like to remind residents to be mindful
of long periods of extreme cold weather and
Facility Commi?ee
Police Chief Joel Klein
the impact to service lines. Unlike last year
The City Council hired WSB to facilitate
PO Box 268 we have not had weeks of extreme cold
a discussion on the current and future
temperatures. If the temperatures do be-
St. Joseph MN 56374
facility needs of the City. The Com-
come extreme residents are encouraged to
(320) 363-8250
mi?ee has been mee?ng regularly and
run a stream of water about as thick as a
all mee?ng material can be found on
pencil. The City will make every effort to
the City website:
no?fy residents via the website, cable access
www.cityofstjoseph.com. The next
and local newspapers should there be a
Public Works Terry Thene
3—6 PM
mee?ng of the commi?ee will be
threat of service line freezing.
PO Box 668
Resurrec?on Lutheran
Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:00 PM
St. Joseph MN 56374
January 16
at City Hall. The mee?ng is open to
February 20
(320) 363-7201
the public.
March 20
January 19th Martin Luther
April 17
King Day February 16th
from Tri-County Ac?on Program
Unplug seldom-used appliances, like an extra refrigerator in
the basement or garage that contains just a few items. You
may save around $10 every month on your u?lity bill.
Unplug your chargers when you're not charging. Every house
is full of li?le plas?c power supplies to charge cell phones,
PDA's, digital cameras, cordless tools and other personal gadg-
ets. Keep them unplugged un?l you need them.
Use power strips to switch off televisions, home theater
equipment, and stereos when you're not using them. Even
when you think these products are off, together, their
"standby" consump?on can be equivalent to that of a 75 or
100 wa? light bulb running con?nuously.
Enable the "sleep mode" feature on your computer, allowing
it to use less power during periods of inac?vity. In Windows,
the power management se?ngs are found on your control
panel. Mac users, look for energy saving se?ngs under system
preferences in the apple menu.
Configure your computer to "hibernate" automa?cally a?er
30 minutes or so of inac?vity. The "hibernate mode" turns the
computer off in a way that doesn't require you to reload eve-
rything when you switch it back on. Allowing your computer
to hibernate saves energy and is more ?me-efficient than
shu?ng down and restar?ng your computer from scratch.
When you're done for the day, shut down.
Set your thermostat in winter to 68 degrees or less during the
day?me, and 55 degrees before going to sleep (or when
you're away for the day). During the summer, set thermostats
to 78 degrees or more.
Use sunlight wisely. During the hea?ng season, leave shades
and blinds open on sunny days, but close them at night to
reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. Close
shades and blinds during the summer or when the air condi-
?oner is in use or will be in use later in the day.
Set the thermostat on your water heater between 120 and
130 degrees. Lower temperatures can save more energy, but
you might run out of hot water or end up using extra electrici-
ty to boost the hot water temperature in your dishwasher.
Set your refrigerator temperature at 38 to 42 degrees Fahren-
heit; your freezer should be set between 0 and 5 degrees
Fahrenheit. Use the power-save switch if your fridge has one,
and make sure the door seals ?ghtly. You can check this by
making sure that a dollar bill closed in between the door gas-
kets is difficult to pull out. If it slides easily between the gas-
kets, replace them.
Don't preheat or "peek" inside the oven more than necessary.
Check the seal on the oven door, and use a microwave oven
for cooking or rehea?ng small items.
Wash only full loads in your dishwasher, using short cycles for
all but the dir?est dishes. This saves water and the energy
used to pump and heat it. Air-drying, if you have the ?me, can
also reduce energy use.
In your clothes washer, set the appropriate water level for the
St. Joseph Lions Club
Keep an eye on your candles
size of the load; wash in cold water when prac?cal, and always
Chicken and Ham Dinner
Don’t forget to water your tree
rinse in cold.
El Paso Club Never announce your holiday trips on
Clean the lint filter in the dryer a?er each use. Dry heavy and
social media
January 23, 2015
light fabrics separately and don't add wet items to a load
that's already partly dry. If available, use the moisture sensor
In the Know in St. Joseph
5—8 PM
. (
se?ngA clothesline is the most energy-efficient clothes
dryer of all!)
$10 adults;
Reach 1700+ in the bi-monthly u?lity
$5 children under 10
bill . For more informa?on contact the
Don't forget to flick the switch when you leave a room.
City Offices at 363-7201.
Remember this at the office, too. Turn out or dim the lights in
unused conference rooms, and when you step out for lunch.
Silent Auction
$100 — 4X41/2
Work by daylight when possibleA typical commercial build-
Meat Raffle
$250 — 4X9
ing uses more energy for ligh?ng than anything else.
$400 — 8X9