HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 [01] Jan 07
~. JO:s'EPH, MINl~E;(:OTA, PLANl'nm COMIvII:S-0'rON
January 7, 1974
The regular meeting of the m. Joseph Planning Gommi.9sion Waf' held at the Qity Hall
on Hand ay, January 7, 1974 at 7:30P.M. with Bernard Kremer,Chairman, pre sid ing.
Present uere:
plannirg 0ommissioners
GregoTY Felt Ronald Klein
Rud;y Gapko Bernard Kremers
I..,ír ~ . Robert w. Kelly Alois MaleskG
Liaison Represent tive fro~ the City Council, Ramen Reber
Liaison Representative from the College of ~t. Benedict,i-lichael Ryan
City Councilmen
Donald Reber Herman ~chneider
Roman Reber Hugo h'eyren s
ìv!ay 0 r Harry Knevel
Minnesota ~tete Higway hepresentatives from Brsinerd, Minnesota
E.W. Me Cu_luch, District Traffic Engineer
lvI.B. Vieiss, i1ssistant Traffic Engineer.
Twenty five residents from the surrounding area.
The Chairman introduced Mr. Mc CuI loch who read his letter of March 8, 197~, stating
th at, 8 traffic study havin[ been completed, the :.?tate High\1a;y Department vlOuld paint
a Zebra Cros9walk at the intersection of U.~. 52 and ~ollege Avenue, and pavement
messages opposite the "Pedestrian Crossing Alleadll sign, and would 11 ir:crea ge the
quality, target value, legibility and placement of all signs approaching the inter-
section , an he stated thet these th~ngs had been done.
Roman Reber read rec~nt traffic regulations requi ing drivers to give pedestrians the
right of way. Discussion fo lovied regarding the need to improve the Zebra Crossing
sign which now end~. in the ditch,and the difficulties pedestri2ns had in entering or
crossing the highway during week end traffic or in the morning and evening rush hours.
Extensive discussion follovled regarding the advisability of instaJling a stop and go
signal and or a thirty téJ thirty five mile an h')ur speed limit thru the City, of: in-
stallinc:; an overhe'ë'd cr02S vi8lk, or a pedestrisr:. und erp8Ss ,or a spBn w,:re lllcl.mted
flasher and street lighting at the Ü:tersecti;n ')f D.;:;:'. 52 add College Avenue.
The co st for a stop and go signal wOL~d probably be around e55,000.00 t'j Ü 60,000.00
\'li th the :state of Minnesota undenœiting half. A cross wplk could run to 0 80,000.00
and an tmderpass to ~f 12C,000.00 .
It vier' noted that the dietance of one mile on the Pleasant Acre sign Was incorrect
and that it sh0tld be tvlo miles.
i-Ir. Mc Gull_ch advised that the target d8t for cOllpletion of the sectionof rnt,-rstate
9lj, fr Oill ar ound iSt. AgiEta to Üollegeville was 1978 and that, though traffic on D.f. 52
might in,rease after this date, it wo~ld be a different kird of' traffic.
FollowinG further discussion, it Was agreed that;the Minnesota ~t8te Highway Department
would make the follo\'ling improvements:
1. Change the vlarning signf' tlPed Xingtl from 30Hx3Ctl to 4811 X LJ8t1.
2. Correct the dipta~ce or:. the PI asant Acres sign from one to two miles.
3. Fill in the ditch in which the Zebra Crosswalk ended and black top it.
l' 00nduct a epeed survey in l:¡aTCh and inform the Oi ty ClÐrk of the results
5· Provide sal v3ged signal part s for use of the Oi ty in repairing it's f1[l~her
at the int er sec i Or: f U.;$. 52 and Co lege Avenue, with the City picking up the
Parts st the st. Clud High"J8Y Mai ten~:mce Departmer,t.
6. Instl.Ü 1 11 1-;0 Farki~-:g \I sign 8 cc Front,:, e !:venue, if requested by be City COUl:cil
bv 1'e 801 utLxr;::. \,:i th t;',e City l'esoLsible for err or cemer.t.
7. PenÙ t the Oi ty , i:f \·¡1'itten 2?plic8ti--~ were made, to :-11 st all ~Dn Ü'e mounted flashers
end 2tl'eet lighting 2t the intel' fecti:c f u.;s. 52 snÔ. College Ave. , sf'd:rected by
the District Engineer.
The ~nail"'n18r: th ?:cl-::ed ~·.'lr" " "u ~OC¡1 ,:,nd :';1'. "eis8 f'or attend the :-:1eetiY;~:.
uinutes of the Kove~ber 5, 1974 ~eetiY:g were a:),)roved -'?8 i'e Ëel~ted.
Houvy: Rebel' GIill10èJLCeQ ti1e '?~: po L~ t::1e:~t , b the City Council , '0_ HOL?ld KleiDto the
plrmir,g Oommissìoh, 1"eplDcing i,~r. "'edE12n \,:ho rC8igned.
1'he Cheirill8n 8:'¡:oUYlced 0 joint ~eeting of the City Cour:ci 1 end PI phn ~l:g GommìsE'ìon
'áth"the 'l'o\'i1':shi:.) Pl8l':r,iLE: GOlli1lli 8-sioL 2nd T1'u9tees on J8nu~ry 16, 1974 et be Oi ty Hall
e t 7:)C P . ::~. , to disCUE'S ~8tter8 of mutuel ccncern re~ 2rdil~g pln~~ir~g.
Do¡:sld ?fs.r.re2tein 8 pefTed befol"'O thE Co";uni8sior¡ to cpk th?t they give :£<;;¡e thou[ht to
tá 0 2.d v ='-88.0 i li ''C,y of toe oresent five minute D2rki~g signs o~ t~e we8t sià e of Co,1 ege
. . ~
"venue, bet';/een "'i~nefot8 st. 81~Ò tne Gl:tr81:ce, r8~~1 r drivew3Y, into the Great ?lEil~8
LU;)lber YGl'd, It "le: f er<ce6 d . . O~0n Re~er diFcuss this with the ~ouncil.
0Uc L_,
l·:r. G9.9k:o ~uoved e.d j oun:mec t. {ec~f;ded 8.11d cprried.
nd journed c. "
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He poectfu :.ly submitted,
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