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December 2, 1974
The regular meeting of the t;t. Jo~ph Minnesota Planning Commission was held at the
City Hall on Mond~, December 2, 1974 at 7:40p.M. with Bernard Kremer,Chairman,pre
sid ing.
Present were:
COInlui ssioner s
Gregory Felt
Ronald Klein
Mrs. Robert W. Kelly
Berne,rd Kremer
Councilman Roman Reber,liaison reresentative.
Minute.s. of the October 7, 1974 and the November 4, 1974 meetings \'lere a proved . as
~ir~~d J.~~ ~~~r~~~{~g:e~~~;~d that attendance reports thru Novellber '7i+had been sub-
The ~ecretary sun~arized a letter from Rudy Gapko, dated December 2, 1974,tendcring
his resignatin from the Plann:J:g Cmmission to be effective Janu")ry 1, 1975 and say-
ing that he had enjoyed be~ng on the Co:mnission, had earned a lot about city gor--
ernment and wished the Oommission well in it's work.
The Chairmen announced that the term of office for Alois lÆalef'ka and himself would
expire on Jar:c;\ß.ry 1, 1975 which, together with Mr. Gapko~s resignation, would make
three appointments necessary~
Mr. Reber aet~ su4gestions for such appointments which he would report to the
Öity 00 un cil.
l<tr. Kremer \'as sugge sted for reappointme:ct and it was agrt.~d that other fuygestions
be given to the City Councilmen by the Commissioners. Mr. Kremer reported that he'\ha(E:~Í';jtended a meeting call d by Dale Hassey, local
attorney, regarding co~t of facilities if an area east of Eastern Park Addition
to ~. Jo seph should seek annexation.
About thirty area residents were 0resent plus the City Clerk, Engineer, and
Attorney and the Qhairman of the Planning Oommission.
The engineer ind ica.ted tha t the cost of lay ing storm and 8ani t ary se\'ler s, "rater,
curbing gutter and pavi~ might proba.bly run around $ 6,000.00 per average lot
and that over a period of t\'lenty years, if aESessments were paid oft' over such
a }eriod, the cost could run to $16,000.00.
Genera.l discussion follo\'led regarding some of the problems in the community .
A discussiQn 01' deletions and addit:iß;ns to the Zoning Ordinance as received from
the City Clerk was postponed to a later date. '
Mr. Klein moved adjournment. ~econded and carried.
Adjourned 9:15P.M. Respectfully submitted
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( ~ecretary sMrs. Robert W. Kelly)