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1975 [02] Feb 02
93 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING Cori])VIISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, JYIINNESOTA February 2, 1975 The regular meeting of the st. Joseph City Planning Commission was held at the City Hall on Monday,February 2, 1975 at 7:50P.M. with Bernard Kremen, Chairman, presid- ing. Present were:Pl . C . . ann~ng omm~ss~oners Gregory Felt Mrs. Robert W. Kelly Ronald Rlein Bernard Kremer v Liaison representative from the City Council, Hugo Weyrens Liaison representative from the College of st. Benedict,St. ~oseph,Minn. Michael Ryan Minutes of the December 2, 1974 meeting were approved as read. 'fhe ~ecretary repor~ed that attenªance reports for the month of ~ecember ,1974 had been'mailed to the City Clerk on January 21, 1975 for the payment of per diem fees. 1.:<' regory Felt, dated February 3, 1974, tendering his resigna- She read a letter from tion effective March 1,·'1975, when he would be moving out of the City.He suggested Robert Fries for appointment to the bommission. v The Chairman distributed copies of a letter addressed to Bernie Brinkman,state repr@sentative, requesting his support in getting funds, thru a grant, for plann- ~ng purposes by the~Joint Planning Commission of the City and Township of ~t. Josepj, Ginnesota, and the Chairman suggested that members of the St. Joseph City Planning Commission write a ~imilar letter. v v The Chairman called JYtt. Weyrens attention to the fact that since the Chairman's term and ~he term of Alois Maleska had expired on Januarf 1, 1975,since rtuay Gapko hadre- signed effective January 1, 1975 and since Gregory elt had resigned effective MarchI 1975, it ~ould be necessary for the Countil to appòint four mRmÈRXE persons to the Planning Commission . ~ Expiration of terms of the above four were ªs follows: Bernard Kremer 1-1-75 Term completed Alois JYlaleska 1-1-75 " 11 Rudy Gapko I-1m.'?? Two years yet to run Gregory Felt 1-.1-1Æ Téns months to run adter ~ßrchl,1975 date on which his resignation was to become effective. Mr. Weyrens would report to the council re this on February 6, 1975, it's next meeti~r' , The Secretary noted that, at the December 2, 1974 m,eting, the Planning Commission h~d suggested Bernard Kremer for reappointment. The vommissioners then suggested that Alois Haleska be,~reappointed, and that Robert Fries, William Beurnrner,Richard Manderfeld and Paul brinkman be considered for appointment. It was agreed that ~egory Felt contact Dobert Fries, that Donald Rlein contact Will- iam Beurnrner, that Bernard Kremer contact Alois Maleska and that Michael ftyan con~act Richard J\1anderfeld and Paul Brinkman regarding this and notify rlJr. Weyrens regard- ing ~he background of the persons being contacted and their interest in serving on the Commission. - Following the discussion of the parking of semi trailor trucks on the city streets overnight and for other periods of time which blocked traffic, interferred with snow ~ìøw±EgXX removal, tore up the paving and, when heating and refrigeration units were left running all night, produced a great deal of noise disturbint: to nearby resident£ ]\1r. Felt moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council hat parking in the I 9L entire city be restricted to not more than a houx for all vehicles exceeding twenty two feet in length. Seconded and carried. fæ. WeJTens reported on various matters of current concern to the ©ity gouncil as follo¡.¡s: 1. $ 270,000.00 was available under H.D.D. grant for the cClli1ties of Sherburne, Benton and stearns, and the Öouncil had been Horking ¡.¡ith Hilner earley and Associates to determine priorities regarding city needs HLich had been rated as folloHs: a. modernization of fire fightin equipment, b. Development of the forty acres set aside for a park, c. gonst~ction of a pedestrian overpass across D.S. 52 at College Avenue, d.Housing for the elderly including land acquisition and building, e.ReneHal of the business district f.City ¡,¡ide radio communications system for the city. 2. steven Dehler and James Landwehr had approaced the ~ouncil for support for a medical clinic as proposed by the Health Maintenance Organization, but the eÞuncil felt it did not have sufficient information on ¡.¡hich to base a decision. ( Hr. 1Zyan noted that the H.II.O. plan ¡-¡as a socialized medical plan under ¡,¡hich ph~.csicians ¡·¡ere hired on a salary basis and patients paid varying yearly sums, depending on various factors, for treatment. No specialists Here on R,H.C. clinic staffsJ 3. ~oman Reber, building .Lnspector, for the City, ¡-¡as ¡-¡riting the State to deter- ~ine whether licenses ¡.¡ere needed Hhen trailors were moved into a trailor Dark ~d Yhen building ~ere attached to trailor.homes. . ~ \.1'01 oWJ.ng dJ.ScussJ.on regara:J.ng "the bUJ.ldJ.ng 01 sneds etc. by owners of trailor homes, and v!hethsr or not restrictions fegarding this had been set up \-Then a permit was issued for a trailor court, the PlannÜ:.g Gommiss~on advised that ]\æ. Weyrens get this information from the City Clerk as the C~uncil issuerl the permits. ) v 4. James Land¡-!ehr and Ted Eerikle ¡·¡ould be ªppearing before the Council to discus financing for and change of ownershio of f}01l0\·¡ .Park. 5. Gene Scher@r would be appearing before the City Öouncil to discuss the devel- opment of Cloverdale Estates. 6.G~eat Plains Lumber would be appearing, subject unknmrn. 7. ~he ~ouncil was intervieHing eight applicants for city jobs under the Öcm~re- hensive employment Training Act, for two city jobs. ~he ~airman distributed a brochure announcing a Joint Planning conference in Van couver, Canada, conducted by the fuilerican Society of ~lanning Bngineers and the Cana- dian Planning Association, April 12-17,1975. Hr. l\.lein moved adjournment. Seconded and carried. Adjourned 9: 15F.H. Respectfully submitted .>--), , .,iL.. ~ / J. ' '" /'Ju.:-m<.A-0 <,- I<..€-GC ( j',æs.,.tlobert \'I. Kelly?) Attached: GLetter eflresignation Trom Secretarv regory ~e "t da~ed ¿-)-7~ v Suggested letter to be sent to Eernift Brinkman, representative in the in. Legislature.