HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 [03] Mar 03
The regular meeting of the st. Joseph Minnesota Pl~nning Commission was held at
the City Hall on Monday, March 3, 1975, at 7:40P.M. with Bernard Kremer, Chairman,
Present were:
Paul Brinkman Ronald :K1ein
William Beurnmer Bernard'Kremer
]\1rs. Robert W. Kelly Alois Maleska
Liaison representative from the City Gouncil,Hugo Weyrens
" II "II v College of st. Benedict,IVlichael Ryan
Gregory Felt, former Planning (bmmissioner
Larry Rudolph of Index 53 Optiêal Company
Alfred Rudolph " " "
Eugene Rudolph, Contra~tor .
Tom Brown,Director of Auxiliary Services, St. ~loud State College
Minutes of the Feb 2, 1975 meeting ~ere approved as read.
The Chairman announced that the Council hadvreappointed Alois Haleska and Bernard
Kremer to three year terms on the Planning Commission , hc>d appointed Paul Brink-
man to the unexpired two years of Rudy ~pKO'S term which would expire on Januaryl
1977, and had appointed William Beurnmer to the unexpired one year of~egory ~lt's
term which would expire on January 1, 1976.
]\ir. W@lfrens introduced Larry Rudolph explaining that he was interested ~n establish-
ing -his optical business in St. Joseph and had looked at the ~orseland oodcraft
building which was for sale, at the ~othfork property between the railroad and U.S.52,
and at property immediately north of the Woodcraft building.
Mr. Rudolph explained that his business consisted of the manufacture of optical lenzes
and some retail selling of same, that he l.¡as interested in buying or erecting a build-
ing approximately 40 by 40 feet, and in knowing in what areas of the city such a busi-
ness could be established and ¡~1at regulations :would apply.
He was advised that the Woodcraft property and the area north of it was zoned indus-
trial, that the Rothfork propert was zoned Rl and the downtown business district
was zoned commercial and that to establish a manufacturing concern in the business
district or on the ~othfo~k proper.ty would require either rezoning, a variance or
a special use permit. The Village vlerk, fer a $ 3.00 fee, would supply him with a
copy of the City's zoning regulations. The City had adop~d the State ~uilding code
and if applicatin were made for a building~permit, the uncil and ßuîlding Inspec-
tor would review his plans. ~.
Þ1r. Rudolph thanked the tornrnission for their time and advice and left the meeting.
The ghairman introduced 1'1r. Tom ~rown who had been asked by Mr. felt, with the
approval of the 60mmissioner~, to discuss parking matters with the Commissioners,
. The commissioners discussed City parking problems at length, indicating that the
main problems envolved lack of available parking space in the business district,
overnight parking in vario,·s areas, congested parking where duplexes had been built
tanàccomodate familes and had then been rented to many students with cars, and the
difficûlties of enforcement.
Nr BrOim discussed some of the parking problems at st. Cloud State College and the
wa; these had been handled and he suggested that the City of st. ~OSéph
1. Enforce all parking ordinances'
2. Clearly indicate in the ordinances who ¡-!as responsible for such enforcement
and make this the Police Department,
3.Conduct a publicity campaign to insure TJublic knoHledge of parking ordinances
and reasons for same,
4.Consider limiting no parking time to from 3:00 to 7:00A.H.
5.Consider providing some all night parking areas, possible streets one night
and avenues on alternate nights,
6. Have proper posting of park~ng regulations
7. Con~ider passin~ a hOusi~g"vode nnic~ are ~esigned_to basica~ly saf~ ~ard
aga~nst health nazards. Under a ousJ.ng COde the CJ.ty would nave author::.ty to
inspect more easily than ,tL'1der Fire inspections, ¡,¡hen Harrants ¡-¡ere sometimes
needed. Under a f!ousing ~de the nurnber of people living in a tL'1i t cO~;.ld be
more easily controlled, the enforcement of safety escape hatches etc.
8. He sUGgedted that the Vity might find it helpful to have a committee to con~
sist of area resid§nts, college administra tcrs and students to discuss ,parking
problems with the City council since this had been most useful in St. vloud
and had helped solve parking problems.
-l'he chairman thanked Hr. lJrOim for his time and suggestions.
Hr. Vleyrens suggested that the Planning Gomrnission apP9int a comrni ttee of tv¡O to \'Tork
,.¡Í th the :Building Inspector to revie;-¡ the Zoning and subdivision ordinances and make
suggestions for revision since many of these ¡'lent back to ¡~62.
'r-he ~ ecretary noted tha t ~he Zoning vrdinance had been revised in 1;:172 and that, withi
the past monk, the (litÿ Clerk had given her an updat~d copy of the ",Bning Ordinance
including revisions to .31äte. It Has agreed that the Commissioners bring their copies
to the next meeting and update them .
During a general discussion about possible revisions of the ~~ning Ordinance, it was
suggested that consideration be given to increasinJ required lot sizes from 7,500 sq. f
to 10,000 sq. ft., to requiring garages equvalent in size to one and a half garages, to
increasing the size, frontage and rear lot requirements on lots in cuI de sacs, to
collecting fees in accordance with amounts set fourth in the Zoning vrdinance and to
possibly increasing building permit fees. '7
fir. Weyrens reported toat: _
l.'J!he annexation of Clov:ordale Estates ,'!as u~'_der stucly and that numerous problems
would develope regårding water and sewer lines and city services if ~lovel"dale
was taken into the Vity and not the area north of old U.S. 52: 2. I:Irt; B~ghtol% was considering tr~Ti_g to brin.ç: ei[,-ht acres \'lest of ..La;~k Terrace
J.n 0 ie J. y; . - ~
3. The H.D.D. application had not yet been acted upon but the ~ity had been advised
tha t H . ;~ . D . ftL'1ds could not be used to update the fire fighting equipment but cou~
be used for the park. Association had asked the ~ty to include in it's
4 'I'hat the St. Josep~ Ðevelopment
request for H.D.D. funds, a request for $ 6,Ooo.go forvthe~ ~evelopment ~ssociati(
to enable them to hire a planner from st. eloud State College to determine
what might be done to up grade the business district ~
5. ~1e council had considered the ..LlaQning (DIT@ission's request that vehicles of more
than 22 feet in. length n:t be permittedAto park overnight or for other periods
of time in the tJ. ty and they ,-!Ondered if the .t'lanning ~mrnission would reconsidE
this as the 22 feet would eliminated the parking of ~~innegagos also.
for anything over one hour
~~ -. ... - ----
After some discussion the Commission agreed that the matter had been thoroughly gone
into at the Fëbruary 1975 meeting and that they wished to adhere to their original
request that the parking of vehicles of over 22 feet in lentgh be prevented, and that
it had been their intention to include winnebagos in this restriction .
Mr. Maleska reminded the group that when ~unds had been raised for the park north of
U.S. 52 the various organizations in the tdty had helped raise funds and had~~een
toldvthat they would have a voice in the development of the park.However the 6Þd and
gun ~lub had not been envolved in any \'lay an~ they were concerned about, this.. I'1r.
Weyrßns sUGgested that he consult with .Peggy Schloemer, chairman of the .Park Board, as
the Board was looking for volunteers.
The chairman asked Honald Klein to serve as a committee of one to notify members
of meeting by telephone and he agreed to do so.
~tt. Beurnmer moved that the meetinG be adjourned. Seconded and carried.
Adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
o j!.e¿
~'0CPì~~ tß ~
(~tts. obert W. Kelly