HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955 [10] Oct 04 68 VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPH HnmTES OF THE MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUFCIL, ÐETOBER 4, 1 The Village Council~,of tre Village of St. ,Joseph met in ~I3gular ses~ sion at the Village hall on October 4, at the hour of 8 PM. All mem- bers of the Council were present except ReynoldKellner. The minutes of the September 6 meeting were read and Julia~ Botz mad the motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Herman Scllneier Claude Menzhuber was present to again ask the 80uncil for the im- provement of the new street off the new highway which leads to the ~ El Paso Club. He wanted the road improved with gravel fill and sta- bilizer and possible even asphalt paving. Also asked to have a stÐeèt light istalled at the interesection of the new highway and the roadway. Hr. C. F. Coyer, representing the Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co. of Chi- cago explained his fire hose product ot the Council. After this ø Fire Chief Roman Zwack explained that both trucks are short of It inch hose and would like the COLIDcil to institute a program of ~esrly hose buying. This would reduce the coast of buying large amolmts and also keep the hose in good condition and eventually give the Dept. a" sufficient amount. He recownended 50 feet for both trucks per year. Julian Botz made a motion to buy the hose, seconded by He rman SChneider~. Cotton hose It inch @ ~Þl.30 per ft. Police hief Kick Borresch made a report to the Council of the oral' abuse he received from one of the 01vners of the El Paso Club. He a1s( asked for a raise of salary of $25.00. Herman Schneider made a motion to raise his salary $25.00, making it :S25CQOO a month. Julian Botz seconded the motion/ú í~) Herbert Schneider applied for a cigarette and 3.2 me1 'beer license; for the St. Joseph Bmvlj.ng Alley. Botz made the motion to grant the licenses and seconò to the motion was made by Berman Schneider. The following bills we~e presented for payment: . General Revel1..:!:lli: , 240.00 Y' y 'n > h Pl' 0b' f Du t di> ¡lCL Dorlesc, 0 lce v~e y---------------~-----~ District Director, IRS, Borresh 1vi thholding tax--,---- ~o.oo Stueve t s Garage, se'evice to village fire truck------- 6.85 Christ vJalz, labor at dUL'lp f'rounds--------------------- 41.00 John Pogatschnik, labor on streets------~--·------·----- 1¡-8 . 00 N. W. Bell Te1~hone Co., phone service--------------- 18.00 First State Ban}:, st. ~T oseph, Cert. of Depos:tt-------- 2000.00 Northern States P01·¡er Cc. ,,,€?,lectric.service---------- 127.40 Farm Truck: ' Stueves's Garage, service for farm fire truci---·----- 35.72 St. Joe Vol. Fmre Dept., fire call, Payne farm------- 13.00 St. Joe Vol. Fire Dept., fire calJ, Wasner farm------ 4·2.00 ì'la ter Fund: Berman Schneider, install meter--------------------- 2.50 Northern States P01'ler Co., elec ser. pu,,'phbuse------- 30.76 IVloijon "TaS made and seconded to al1ov1 and pay ail bills except that of the Bergers~CaswelJ.Vlell Co. There being no further business motion duly made ànd seconded to aŒ I 'Ù~t~ ~ /.;/ , . - .....". -ltebsbach, Hayor Virgi Lodermeier, Clerk f/ v - ~--- - - ---- .. - --,-- , . .., ~ ~ ' ,.. - - .', - ~ 68 ~TAT\;' OH~ ,-,j"tNNVØ,tlTA) '~ ' ~ . J-.I ..!.. 4,: ~.';._ ........ ~;J.-~~., "- ) ss CEa~CA TIct,¡ TO CO~'tft AtJ'D%!OR s CO{'il'rT~t OF STE.Þ..Hr.rS) ..- - be t I, the undersigned, baing the duly Qualified. sndaot1ng ~ pr clej¡1k of thê Villnge of St. ~los$ph1Hil'Lne$ota, he~eby aeXttity El bi toot the V111ag~ ()t' St" ;)'øseph, !>11nnesota, bas on hand ],n tha Ii sirJt1ng fund for the retirement or tñeI'eme.nønt ¡mp~ovèm-ent ca Fi HeV'ol v1ng Fund Bonds or said Village the sum of !.J.~~" 1~; . in ho That the V111ageofSt. JOS$pb has levied s:}\(!;lc1al al S11 9,sS6\amnClats tor the irf1þrov«Jroe-,n,}stinanoeå 'by said bonds in the Sc w1nusl amount of $2037084, andt that sald Special ~ssessmant$ ab have heen ir!'evoceblr pledged to the s;ip..king: ttmd, for thel"$tirè.... as it manto£' said b011ds. That theV111age Council has by rGsolut1òn fo directed tÞe clerk to certify to the County AuditQr that there Ii is on hand an 0xce~$i~,the 1~U11~ ß2OQO",oo~in·>lta'!â~'ifpJB.ng 1- Ge;J;cc·:tuDd ''!ilidt'thät th$ Còunty :r~__Ø~,~educe the a.ssessment tor the :ret:t1"emønt of sa1.d bonds to $2700..00 tor the "ear 19,5 If !hat u..'f'l1ess this ~miuct1on is toade fu:rthel'í exceSses m.ll be built up by thespeclal e,ss$ssments. \;J'1 tness my hO%1d and seal o~ said Villaee of $t ...Joseph E& this 8th day of November, 19,;. ~V~ 11,· '&5f~ SEATJ V'i!~ Clerk . tl V!11age of St. Josüph stenrns Coun.ty, Hinnc$üta -- ' , V: .~ T'_ , I"" .- --. -----~ -