HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 [09] Sep 04 ·' ~ 1 RESOLlJTIOIJ OI-LAI~C}I!-JG Dj~TE C~F- ~TILT-:i~C+E~ EI~E{;TIC:i-JS T'TF{ERE/\S, l-lin118sots, st~_.t CL.t es j Section 212~35 authorizes the vilJ.2se council to aesign~te the first Tuesd&y sfter the First }7 O11Cté;~'\~l i11 I-To'v erllfJ er :?~S tlle reE; Ll].2"r election cLc.t e. l\I\JD :'JliERE.AS, t11e Vi:t.J_2.g e co l)j1cil. 1) ell e\TGS tl18._t this chf:mge in . T election d?te is for the be-st interest 0; the Village of St. ~ JoselJÌ1, &nd for the resid~ntè of the VillQge of St. Joseph, ['J1c1 feels tll¿: t tll e CllBJ1g e S11C)lllÔ. fJ e Ll,~·~(le. 1\T011 S:HERE17l0RE BE IT RESOIJ"t:¡ED I -BY THE \TILI_;¡f\GE CaDi-TOIL OF THE VILLNJ-E OF S':r. JOSEPH: Tlltlt COillL1811Cii1G ~-jith tIle: J..9ci6 VilJ_~~be e-J_8ct iOl1 J t118 regLIJ_2..r viJ..122;e èlectioll of t11e Vi:tle~se of st. Jose;)h Sllé.,J~l 1)8 11el.êL 2Jl11L~2"lJ.Jr 011 the First TLlesclsv::r Et.ftel'} tl'16 I í'i ¡"st lŒollð0"'i! ilî 1'Jove¡-¡-'~Je11 orf e·~ch ~ie~Y) --- - ·'-"v -~. ).......- - ,-.., -... ~ '--'--~-- AQo)ted ~y the council this 4th. (l?~~l oi' S81)ternbelÎ 1956. '~t.)-~Q.·'-· /'.. " @2c~~~ ~~- f.:: r-. ...... Ü .' G.\ '-' G.. (,/_{ - .//' - _ - ¡ j."J.c,__Y01. ,/ . , C{,lLc¡ (,.01 /\ t-zlt,j¿Z'llrlA...&L (/ ; 11il:.B__b e iJlerll: ¡ , t " J ... ~, '., -. .. -.. ~" - - VILLAr.""" OT." BITT'" JOC<è."·'.J' 'f\fT1\'"n:"c<orPA 8··~ r _ üD ..!..I _L . c>_,~.t J ~, l'l-Ll-;L;'}--'JÛ J_ ~ j HINUTES OF J':::m lIEETIFG OTi' TEE VILLAGE COUECII" SEFT::JíBER L¡-, 1956 ' . /tA delegation of citizens fror<1 the north side of the villsge met l ~'Íi th the village council to discuss the traffic probJem in cross- , !. in the double lane high\'Tay. The group presented a -pi-X;Xf, signed 1\ ¡ peti tion. They 1:ranted a stop and go light installed to I'rotect . a~d give their children and older people safe crossing. A corn- " .\ plaint was also registered against the truck traffic on the service laneon the nort}--,side of tbe highH8Y going east.. The grm:p ",as assured tb.at act.ion ¡oJOu'd be tDJr.en. It \'TétS also \ explained to t.hem that much effort IDld concern 'Has spent on that. \ saye problem in the nast. \/ The - Villoge COl.1DCil of the Village of Bt. , Joseph met in regular \~ession atf, the Village Hollon September 4, 1956 at the horœ of l' è:: rid. All members of the cOl.1Dcj_l '\,rere rresent. The minutes of t'he meeting of August. 7 '\ferei read by the clerk. Julian Rot.z made t.he motion to accept the minutes as read and the secord of the motion i'T2 s made by Eerma':l1 Schneid 81"'. Herman Scl~neider made the mot.ion to appoint jUdges and clerks for the Sept~~ber 11, primary election, seconded by Dave Pfannenstein. Clerks: Herman Kremer:;, HI's. Irene Bassier; J-l1dges: l:Trs. Helen Reber, John Klein and Ifrs. l'Ierb:el?t 8ierden. The resolution to change the date of the December village election t~/XMi so it will be held on the samedav as the General election 'It¡as :rµade. Herman Schnedier made t.he motion an~:1 WUÌ1an-- Bot.z seconded the motion on t.he resolut.ion. The Council instruuted the clerk to not.ify the establishments in the village selling beer and liouor to check on the age limits of their customers. 1M A warning was given not to sell to minors and students. ~ J8 I Levy of t.axes \'!as t"bled l.mt.il t}-'e O~r meeting. . Dave Pfannenstein mader motion to grant cigarett.e license to T~arry ragen at the Hagen'''' Fu,re Oil st.ation. Seconded by cT. BOfZ. T~e following bills were presented for payment: - G BFERAL REV:SF1JE: · -D~I-~-C} 1 -F" '~, 2 1 1 ' . l' d~ 11 06 e ,uxe l,ec,,: I'JJ'l cers, C"lec¡~ D003:S-------~---,;p ___.0 Philip Roske, Folice 8 street 'l:Tork------------- 75.00 Clarence Denne, G..'r}'.~ e collec ~-ion--- ,-,--------- 2{J0. 00 John fogatschnick, street, recreation---------- 43.50 "'~, 1 T) , "he -'" "p 1" 270 00 ·~lC~ Dorrescn, G~le~ 01 OlCe----------------- , Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Phone service- 17.55 First St.ate Agency, Public Liability Insi------ 375.~9 A.H. Saurr Store, paint, rec. & ~itif/Øi~t'¡--- 3.'S Northern States Power ~o., electric service---- 140.53 lJATETLFUND: --rr-:rT SA-" S... 't.,.!,., , "9 ü. h. ¡t~Uer· L,ore, paln" IJR!Ilpnouse-----,-~------ _ .0 1;ort.l'JeI'11 States PO\,rer Co., elec pumphous e------ lè). ~o ,irst Stat.e Drm1:, Collectirg u,c'ter bills----~-- 6. è)0 berman Schneider, t?pping mains---------- ----- 6.50 Raymond Eros., t"CéŒls:çor ting ,.Tater dart. supply 7.70 BOl"D t DTTEHES T FUND: . Northuestern 'Fat'l Bk of I·ipls., ------~~.._'"--~=- 3725.55 There being no fllrther business, motion duly made anò seconded to odjourn. I: . VÙ 0u",~ i~'v~ "",, , L' , 01 k -y 'b '¡"< vlr[l._ ooermeler, '-' er er'- J. J\rens aC}l, ~\layor