HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 [10] Oct 02
82 vn.LACE OF ST. Toc~PTI MINr~00T~
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The VillDge Council of the Village of St. Joseph met in regular ses-
sion at the Village l'a11 on October2, 1956, at tl'e hour of é~ n\l. All
Tlembors of the c01}ncil Here '(resent.
'The Eli11utes of the meeting' of September ~L Here read by the clerk. I
Herman Scl'me7.der made the motion to accept the minutes as read, sec-
onded b~; Julian Botz.
.A delego tion of citizens living on the nor:,U} si6 e of the ne\1 )1' lane
higb:ray EO. 52 'l:TeI'e gathered at the Village LaJ.l to Jßèo.r the outcmne
of '\..¡hot had been done to obtain a stop and go Ji[:ht a('.~C'oss the lÜgJ<-
'\¡my and to further see ',de a t could be done. xrilloge Attorney JO]:o21
Knepp told the grout' th2.t 3n 2ppointment í.'TaB rcceived vi th an assis-
tant to }'ih"§''!:lr;y cOnll11issioner and tho.t only meant 1:1 delay Ül Dction.
, 't t d' ~ , S t T 1 ,,"" .co S.1.......1 '
1\11 o.p-roln men '\:18.8 m8, e ';"l Cll ena or t,..ac,[~ .ùJ.cDarClson oJ: ' G. '-' OUÜ
to CO dOFD to the st:·te lÜ¿;hïd2:Y deprrt"ent to see tb,e CotE1Íssioner
I·I. J. Eoffn'tDnn \'¡}.ore T'osj.tivE 3.ction could be received.
Dave ffannenstein m~de a motion to grant a cigarette and ~~6f/l%¿/
't . .L. ' l' ( '") '"" l' .L. TT , .L.' '1 ' à .. , ..... ,
non-ln OXlCÐL.1D3 ~a_T ~.¿) _lcense GO l·eroorL. 0c~nel .e1" aT Tre ~T.
JoseDh Bowlinc alleys. Seconded bv JUlian Botz.
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Julian not~ DPòe the motion 2nd Ferman Schnéider seconded to ÐDroint
- --- - . - -- , ..:. - -
the fol1m-Üng jllð_ges 8.Yld cler1{s for tLe I"ovember General election.
°1 eY'l~s' Fer"1~'1 T;rer:1ö~ns '.Tr" ¡C'orbPT't Zi eY'd er,· T'Jd r,'e~ . ifohn Kl ei'n
v___. _ .._~ 6 _ .. .c..l.. .l.. ~~_v_ 1_' J ~ >-....... _' " -_ _ J~ _ -. _.,5 t.. '-1 __,",-¡ ~. . _-..h_ _n__ ~_~_..".,
Lrs. IIeleni.-leber anc" VI's. Irene Hassj_er. To heIr; count vo£1 after
13 n,:y Virg5l Lodermeier, ,-~')J'; ~r: 1=;o+z and Eerma:n Scbncider. I -'I. /J~
ìoIotion '\·n'.s node and seccnc3Ed to rostpone the T"ovember rnonthly
Meeting from fovember 6 to Thursda~, rovember 8 because of the election.
After a lengthy discussion a motion ¡-res made b:'T Julian :p·otz to levy
taxes to tbe emou.:rlt of:
CEFERAI, HEVEFUE: :51.1-600.00
LIGYTT FUIoTD: ~31700. 00 I
Second to the motion was made by Herman Sc~neider
Dave Pfannenstein made a motion to pass a resolution to reduce the
assesmnent for tbe retireüent of bonds to :~;2700.00. Seconcled by
Herman $chneider.
Discussion Has held on tIle setting u.p of a vol1J.ntèer citizens com,'li ttee
to ¡-TOT'k out ð et;'Ìls Dnd solution :eOI' a se.ni ta_l'\:Y sewer ~nd disnosal Tlant
for the village for the near future. - .
The follm,¡ing bj_1Is were rresentec1 for -reyment:
Fick Borrescb" Chief of Po11ce-----~=-.._- _.o_~._._~___._ ;Ii; 270.00
1'.;1"s. Irene Hassier, electiop cle1....k---.-.----.---...--.--- u 15 . 00
1/"1'" S . TT 1 ~'1 r~lection juc1ge------------------- 15. 00
n8._encí.e Jer,
~ohn Ylein, election judge----------------------___ 1 r; . 00
termè'n I~rer'lers, eJection cler'k' {!. deliver b'-110ts--- 17.12
Clcrence Denne, haluling grrbcge-------- --- ---____ J 50.00
Fortb'J8stcrn BeJ.l 1'elelphone Co. Filono scT'vice------ 22.10
First State Agency, ndd~ prem on insurance---------- 7 C¡ (,,~;
; 0 ...·t)
Howard Ganley, bclcncc on ro~d surfacing-----------_ 387.86
Tìi ~·t D-ï -") T T"'Ï J_ ',0 ,r1 t''Ì c? t 0"'{J'" -r -() T~~ ~"1-(1 ~ C'I "., 90.00
L) ~. ..1.. 0.. .J.~"I.,. deve., 'I..." "'b..:.L" ,cO_ -jO.L~t-".:oc.'-----
Northern states fower vo., elec power--------------- 137.03
p"'t ~i'oe trot I"~ C'Soc ')no s',f'ötv "-"OS1-0-('S 0
~; v.. e -"- .~ . ..........) '-' .,....J ,-,' t.r C-'_ -'. '....... "f 1::--' J __. - - - -.. ..... -= - - -=- 1.3u
C.F. Coyer & Associates, fire dept supplies--------- 2.8t5
!",Ji 11~rc3 n"cFen ~toss 11:'111 j n'· [.T~·vel 1"01'" ~b"eets----- 18.00
- c. c. 1...1 L; _U'-' ..- , -'--- - /._- -. -l> 1.._' ---- _~ ;.._.
virrd 1 I ocl °r,"ej e-~ e1ectjon clerk--~---------------- 2.00
.. 0-- _J ---....... __"1 . _l, I
~ohn Focatschnick, s tY'eet ('T'n<fti 11~?-------__.._________ 20.00
- c,- -, --L}
l'il"S. Forbcrt Zierc' en, election judge---------------- 1 S'QOO
1951 11·fPHOiT7FFi'i\TT 'fj'''PTD·
.. _._ .. ¿_ _ 1_. __....:J_, _ _, _ , .
n O¡,T'l rd G"1 n 1 e" Inc. blance on 1951 street surfocing- 612.14
.--.- .. <.-~ - <-__.J.__ v"
northern St:tes row~'r Co ..' elec purnpbouse---~~------- 25.03
First State ªan'c, collecting water bills------------ 7.10
Hersey Mfg. Go., 20 water meters---------------_____ 586.80
f"'rrnbplJ t C' irc "",~L"_,, òe-J· sv-'-"n'ies
V.___ ~..í'"' ..... _ \-' __~., .,-,c-_ L,~-=;J. i. :__- L> ~~_,-.'--!..t.. __--.~e=_=e=___=_.._~_..__