HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 [04] Apr 03 VILLAGE OF S'J', Jes?;r-'" n HDJPESOTA ,7 5' MnmTES OF TIF liT:ETIYG OF TP'E VII..U\GE COUNCIL, ¥£FRIL 3, 1956 The Village Council of the Vil1."ge of st . Joseph met in ~egnlar ses- ssion at tie Village Hall on ~pril 3, 195( at the hour of' U H'I. All members of the council were present. I ..' r " , Ì\' t· , t' t' .... T:'I . T l·œs. Fred Schroeder and lviI's. 1'181 VllJ del'" lnl reC-r( sen J ng De \. ,i:' .'J /\.uxiliary 8. sked the council about the vil18 ge recree tion progrem for the sum~er and if funds were available. Transportation for the children for s\Ümming ¡'las there relaiD concern. They also asl;:ed abolÜ flouricbtion O,f -C:"G city 'Hater and its cost. , l-Ir. Charles r -Panrenstein and I''fr. Hubert Klein ;) sked a bout the rerair I - - - - - -- .'- 'of baseball fences at the village park. They estimated th~t the cost , ,\,rould be ~Þ300.00 'I.,¡}1Ïch 'I,'lOlÜd include repair of t"e blenchers. The base- ,b[11} teem 'Fas to furnisJl tJle labor of the reprdr. Alf'réð Rennie returned to t~e councjJ_ room in resre0t to the sidewalk J he f'opmer'lv O'l.'IYH'd (Lot r' Blocl;:' 1 Loso's 2nd) and installed 7 ye'-rs :or:o. Helas~ed-f~r r~-imbursement of' t of the cosio The reouest wa~ denie~, Ëerman Schneider made the motion, seconded by Dovid Pf8nnsDstein, all in favor to disallow reimburse0ent. I Claude Menzhuber ouestioned a'hout t~e building up of t~e street be- h!!een the ne\'T high'I¡Jay and IO\'!8 street leedj_ng to his este'hlish'1ent. Tl'c council told him the rlans were reedv ~or its rerair. He olso told of' 1/ tlle vici'*- to '*-l~e St~te Pi VI,r"'", ~r'f'et'/ r'1C.,.....Y'·!Hcc"'.Li·,; I"es' rí't ',to .Lhe ~""e-e' d )."_-,- ,>,-~_.l, J t."J~__! - Je. -'-----o\'¡fC'-<_:~ "-..-'_ -'_ ..:' ,~-' }..o__--_ __ "-LolL __-,' -'- <~..;, lJ~~ 0'.. .... Ijmi t on the ne'd higll"'ay +hru the villD,ge. f."e ':JCiS h:¡forr'md the Breed ] imi t would be increased and advised to have the village stress safety in crossing of this higway. hr. Clarence Denne of St. Cloud asked t~e council~ about future garbage pickup in the village/ (403 Cooper Ave) The council tabled the natter 1.mtJl the next meeting and see ':Thct t1-,e citizens thougb about it. I Herma!1 Schneider made 3. ",'otion to accept the minutes for r.:ar"Ch (. '" Julian Botz seconded the motion. . Tarnell Voz questioned about the vacation of fufue street next to his property. He \·ras instructed to f1.1rther }:'rocedure. Liquor forrns are to be sent out and payment of tJ"e full I,reer' S license .- . - Has to paid 'I:IÍ th the apy;licetion for license. The ordinance for col~ operated machines Has read and the council de- cic1ed it ¡.ms meDnt ot inr--lÙde all sucb machines. InstruciÈed the "'hicf of Folice to collect 355 license for all suc}, maclÜr:e:::;¡ e.s BOFling anc1 rocl table devices. Julian ?otz made a motion to !ay all bills, Dave Pfannes{ein seconded. Arrlic2+ior for building permits for Oscar Kre~sbach (Blc1~ 1 Lot 2 or.cinol i'o'l.ïD.si te) And "\Tirgi -, Lodermeier (Lot 1 Dloc}~ ( origiral hr ste) \.l2. s granted, The folJowilîC bill? were presented f'or payment: GBFERAL REVEl"UE: '!Fl' C'r T)oI~-~eC'c'n r~l J' (, ~ ,!1> 27" O^" J': .t~_ -",; .t LI _, ·U-,_.__-,,~~~--~'------·~·-=>Þ-----="'~-"'---="""----"~"""-- \1) __ \..'. t) 1\'''or.L'h're~J· Del] 'Tel r·Y\1r.o,-",o "'E'lo,,''ho''''''e IG ^^ ~--; t..l~\\ 0 L _,) ~ _ -'- ~~r:--~1-'J._! L'..i.\.:...., ,1 -~_c:' l_~ .Ll - -......e=_~""'__~c=O~______ t.'. Ut__~ i'o.,..,L'hc,r"n c<t,.,.Les T'o¡"eI" f~'O nl~^+'''l·c ""'^, - lhh ')") .c-. ..!.- L'L;. -~ ~.:- ;) C-t- ~- .. -;J -'., ...~... t-:t~; J. ~_ ]--_;\.J ".=~Te.r-=-------- --J I . _):-: Herman KreElers, election¢' clerl::-~---,,--,._------------ 17,12 Irene Rassier, election -udge.,.---·-~--------------- 1 ')'. (0 Helen Reber, election judge----------------------- 15.00 JoY'" Tl""::lel'n ro]c,c+Jon -j"c'u,P------,---,---.--" -.-,-------- lr:J.OO >__..L_' .~. - _..1' ç_... ._i,--~_. .__l t.'V~·"b"'-'" .- Virgil L06 ern1eier, eléct. cler1<::, purch of s 'r-OT ler- 8.00 ' John ro~atschnidk, street work-------------------- 17.00 I Chri s t Walz, clìJ.rrr grouncl caret3.1~er--- - ------------ 24.00 WAtER FU:J\TD: Northern States Power Co.. Dumphouse 81ec--------- 15.64 Go '.L r¡'t I " 'TO-"1~' no' - t'~ '';nr' ffi""l'-ns 1," 00 ran], Le 'vl ,;'7 rOIl·... L.c"S '", ., 11[1;·1J..J.ct'c _,lo.~.Lc, ----.----- ". First State Bank, co11ecting woter bil's---------- 6.40 Trlere bein,J no furtYer business motion drlv maòe and secondec3 to adjourn. ~-ð!.if.o~ ak,,~ ~car r e svach, Layor ~i-=oderr·leier, Clerk