HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 [05] May 01 ..... 7 6 VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPF, l>lIFI-ESOTA l'~I"mI'f1PS OF fT11I't? ".~lo1?rT'ITTG OUl "PYTT< \TITTAr~'t" 00Tn"'nTTj. Jo~6 ì/A'V 1 .1';' _.i.: U.i. ..Lj' . -« ..1. .L":'D l~i.DLL-'_ _! ..c- 'D...... .C_..'.:.! ~- .....-'~,J Ü.!,;J -.J J'-':" 1...........-'_ _., _ / .._' , ~. -'- ."_ __ Tbe Villagª Cmmci1 ßß tho Village of S~. Josenh met in regular ses- sion at tbe Village HÐll on }'Ië'Y 1, 1956, Ð.t tlce hour of 8 PIL All !'leÆ- bers of the council were nresent. ~ ~T ' ,~ 1, -:., ,.. . . 1 ". . .L C ' 1 I c!.ose:rh., \¡ J_O,",..Il2L..Iser app lea lor a ,gar"ge DUl_rlng perIn G, 0 OUnCl..L a¡;- TIroved the Ter~it. ,- t ' .L.t:>' Lïl:e Beber asked about dirt 1"8' 'oval fro~·'. stree - J.n fon c, 01- hJ.s bouse. Dirt \'Tas from the installation of ci}rlÜng. A group of citizens discussed the garbage disposal Troblem in the village 'I'Ti th tl-'e council. Instructed Ü'c attorney to dra':T 1JT ordinance . : -","-11' ",' a "'''no i ""' t'h'" S~· ToC'e"Y"\}' D1' 81"'"+''''' t'1 "'0 )-0 .,..,,'hl ~ C'11 8_11C~ :.--''--'-:) _!:""::·n -,; 1-.Jc..1__,,~--, ...,~J_l "lV ~ L-e c, .._' .~_,.!___ _. ..:.:¡{j,"-.t\....~--'-o .t1....!.-.,_J, L .;-~-I...-:..,_J_.:~'__"..L'_ le'81 ~tØi notice asking for bids for the hauling & disposal of garbage. ~roun of bl'sinc;ss ¡'on as1::ed C011.Dcj.l about tbe foe assessed the DonI T'hnv fe1 t t'he ~~r, f'ee '\,T':'1 S .Loo 1"'l' dl .'14.Jjø'·J..,i,-i,t,/-"I·'/--!:V..,.('1"¡~'/rl,' _-"oCt.; -- '--<-,;-./ .i_"""" ., c'-~ L- ~ _ c....~ e liltl.t l-·t-~>~lI F_llþ/v/--Y.Æ.y..;/-J'¡:;YJ_ tØ/i0.ø¡1Ø/tM~/ØfØiliyÍi¢ The couLcil reduced the fee for 811 emusemcnt machin8s to ~Þl. D8ve Jf2nnenstein made the motion to start the garbage collection ri - -'11 ~11<J()' ~ 0 ~ d-- ~ 1-:- T"'T '~'î~''''' ~- :-~ ; l-----r ,\1_ _n c~_e Vi. ".".e ~e"ol1 ,0(, ). "_~~" . ""',..\C~.&G. , "\ "---~ '-- ,; Eer"u?'}1 Sch1eider"2de a I'lotj_on to have' ':!illaI'6 ?c enstos s haul fill 0'(; t1,c' 8Y+"'nsio'(' of' 101·r'·~ ~tpeet to the n2\1 'hi¡:,'1"'...·T;ìv- 1 "")('0 vc)s of' '-'~"vcl ...- --- _~l.JV~_t__ --. .... - .~---;If I-J.J_ . ~.--'---. ~--. ~-,_..-_..._"~;. ----r--~ ~__""'-_ .~ ¿~__,_..__ fill 2ccordi:r,r to srccjfj,c:,tiorls TOJ:' ''»+C)(/~)''-Oo Seconded bv tTuliém Botz. L_ ~.-- .- ./ U T, "1-; ,,',0 ." ~- '7 "'" {~'" .. r" 0 ' -j 0·,·, -r- <.1 "'1 Y' 1 ~ ,-. t .' 1'1 1 () f' C -.. ::; -] . ~ C} 'n ,,'...; h r:;' m1 'h tJ C.c_ ., (,'-" ,.)0 l,u - -, " r.:; \" '" "G_ .' " c'O ,.",.e.., c ~ e~. J.O," j 0... .L l.""llc,.., l~ '" '/. ~~e nourlv 1""'+0 f'o-" f'i-"e-'len 1<>-"0"; +0 tq r,"n -ro" ·pir,1-,.Lir<7 f'lore '¡'he (,:"1"nge ,n._.. - fl' .._L--.V ,- J. _~_.L !- J __.L '::.,,-' u .:'__~../_' ___ .'_ --'--'L~';"'-l..;-~.:.~t.-.: -'-- . -l.._,- '-";_,c__~l,- vms n1p:de to ¿ive tl>o fì1"e:~ì(~:(: fulJ cov8rage on tl,o lJo:cl;:'''len I s cO''1Jens:'t~ ion in Cnse of injury. Dave Ffannenstejn seconded the motion. Earman Schneider made nmotion toø 2ccept t~e minutes of the April 3 .L ' ~ ~, Y'" ('1" , ~ h .k. - ríleec.J_l~_g seCOJ:1CIGO_ 0:/- 1~.-~~·n~1í2..:-l. ···I'""\'-·ì·r'1Cìr;rJ~"'). .,._') - . 1"1 I ., . 1 ., .. _.,..,. /ul~Lém DOtz made H1C l:otJ.on TO pay 8 1 ¡nIls, seconced by :~erman Scl'l\neider. 'T"-, e ·°011 0, -·1 . (' " -i 1 ' c' . -arc -, "'Q S Ç'y, )Cr-o? +'01'" -~ n--n eo, J. . I ..:...1____ .!.. _-__1_ '.'f._~_.:._(;._~. u_,~____¡...,....:- \'.:c. .." r:.!.. v '-...'.1,.":" _\).. -'.. l-.'c-<:'J-::' -"1.... tJ Þ (; ~r:=I\¡l.I! r{F~\TEI'~lJ}n: ~-::---~~,::--~;--::;:;:-~- if'!.., ~. .J:'4 ..~ F' 1.. ï? rJ í ,-\ - ,- .,.e" ,'O.l.!.. e.,c'J:l" ULJ.e.L 01-' O_"lce-~~---------_.___~_______ liP 2 í ,) 0 ..(\ 'ortl',.- 1"n Stotes fOT.rer Co.:; Iiaectric rOi:TeI·----~---__.___ 138.5)';. -co " ·:-l'.'.-r.c> c.L 0""" D"....·11 r~' ,-,1 ,...1~ 0·,-, '" (1() .L 01 r·.-"l-, on p. C'~, -." 17 5"" -'- .!~ \-"_..:',1...........; lrC.L-J...i. ..,--,'''-'"''__T'' -, ~___..:~-.,__'- J.~\....:~J,-- _, L..'_~,;...!_'-j.¡_j-'--,- _..L-J ...;\::-.i. s--------= . ..) Cbri~:;t '¡IaIz, DunJ~ gI'ouncìs CrretD'.;:er------. -.----.-.------- 76,5C '8-111 D,' r", cJ--n ,~·1· ..,..~ -"·1 - " u~.] 7 ('0 .,,)-~.,._' ,,(é. 08;,' ,-, l-.: e,u' ~,LJ. ("~ '". ,re",OV.c, ,.~---_.~--------------_ .J , 0)"'''''''0'0 ,.""^~"C ·'1"'-' '--,,-(>1;- "'e"""lca 0 í'5 ~~ t, .'..,-. \' "-' ,j '-.--<>.1..<__,,_. \._', .1. ""-,--J.. '-.-.; t.J..L l...~,-,;_,'_ ..:J...1. v v~--_··-·..~~--..~~--."......_---_...,._·....____ ./ -0 ,_._-j_ rtjr. rf::n:,::CJ,steÜ;, a=Te:c:ses fire scl-ool---------____ 62.50 S.L -,'o"'e 1~ Vol T.1'... , ·D· ",,~.L .<>~ -"'-' (> .C>.'.... "'- ~~, r 11 ')0 ('0 . l..-o f_: ~_.' PLJ_ 'J __0 1.1l.LC ) ·'~,~.'Lo, J.-'--.Lc c--:: _L.:.J.SL c:._LCt Cr.;,--J..._.----- t_/e,.) Jolm rogéJ tsc1'rÜcJr, S Trest I'12intenonc e----..··· - ._--~- ---..- 6c. 00 lIATE'0 F1JID: 1\""0~-!-1-'eí---")1-, S°'-r¡--t- CI 1:- '\. ~-') ('1 . ·~~1 1-'1"1 ,1 - '\ 15 Or::' L .L ',;, -'-"" > G",c,ec, 0 O.!(;"L.'O., :r.U."püCl.,se c..,c(..---···------___ _ oU] Ba"('1~<:1-('0C'~"" p" SO"'" '·"0 f,ì Í'o'..,-~ COÍ'1,~C' 0 C"-r', C'.L~"'S /,.-" 7/' A__ '_'(J__ 1.,.J~r..A C-, I.. 1..!.0 0 _L.;,.:..~,-, G, ....... '--' ...!....f-- ·-1_fJ...~:- '_. f_-.__ rj ~--' l..JI;,:;.'_,~_ -..--_ t)c:. I:) ]a--'--T10YleJ Bl'O~~ e Tl~?-nS, }~reiGÌJt. cOTT'e~c (!( i:1.il:)iYlg---_______ 1(>.51 F þ.~~~~B~~~~,n~~~ 8;~'G~ ,. ~~~nr"4è~~~~~===:: =:: = == = = =:: = = = = = == = ~)';: )5;' S+·1°e-\70' C' C~-"';'-;;e "'e""'l~ co ~.'''''~',~ 1', ..,', . \--'----~ \...... 1-.-' bL-.-'- c....__¿,_ "" ,-) >...r. \...L '._" e,.!. <Jkf..;l.ò...-~_---.---.-__~___-..__-.._____._ .,---Lt. jL¡_ TOf:"¡ ;.J~ 'd1---~ ---, -':·1"'"-r,O-(1 - n·L I""'t-i ---, _~ "î I _ . ~ r 2'-, <, ,~ '"', -L .Le.L, e_,:,~""s,-, 1..0 I~.L e SCLOO ------------------- 0[2. )1,' 20man Z~~ck, notice car6s for farm truck meotin:-----_ 3.bo Q ). -¡-, ':J 1 H" . ". .'- .<> ~ ...., > ., 11 '" 1 7[-' -.. vGo "oe .0_. ~ J_I'e !.JcpL.., 1-..L.Le (,"._..LC,----·-·-- --- ~"--------- _ ..co r-o 0, 0 T:¡ l7fT"¡\,~T). .:;..-=---=-~~~~ Va·r1 l·,hlP-....- 'J n ,..' ~."''' ,t:> -.. T 1" F.t:>~·· - .L '- ~~ 00' .l\.. -- .,c, ,.le, L.,_., ueo. CUl.!::, LO.L uo",n ·1-onnenSL.eln--·- 9/. "ave P·'<>"·"""en"teJ'y, "'oJ-J'O"} ".Lo '" -- , "' 'rY r<, .d u, " J.. c_.r:,""/_l>J ..d ": G_,..,. 1 eo l/ [1ÜJ ourn seconaeo oy :Lerman 0CnneJ_ er I' there bein no further husiness. £~ - -- ' Lodermeier, Cle1"lc Krebsb2cl~, hovor