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1964 [07] Jul 09
2~1 .. -- r, :-:' '1m - ~"r'"-,~--; ;-r....~T..."i'r-t m' V lLL1\.Gj:>; OF 81.'. J 08j:~.t- L ¡LU:U~JSC1A _ , i·.. o.r-¡-j',··"rnvC CT" UVvTI'-LAn IT-I L1 ~¡"t"'" r<OTn'ri~' ',,',"';;;0"-'-0.'(" nT"r-l) ('-'.' ~l'I'T\T U 191-1.- Fl1-.:.\ul.LiJu J.l.'¡ 1J..t;Jù' ....it '¡_._.' ..111.L:rß v }tJr¡_\'l..j~..LJ l<Jl..~..LJJ.J.l'~\_-¥ _~lJ~.u~ JJ-~ ~J _~J.l. /, __ ,-,' I T~:e Vi~~3 ge cOUl1cil l~let in ~"egular se s ~Jon ~n Th~U'~dÐY, ,Tu~~~ ?, lUhh 171.,.1, -'l-I,e,' .n¡·0110H'1'--¡rf ne,~nne1'C: r'"r"ec:en'c· L.OCle,-<'-lPî(')I' Scl--';'1elOel'ft I ..L7VI "-'-'"., ,~~ .- -- ,.."·_,··o·_.J·'---~-,~- ~_"<O.. ._...J_j.., --", - , -fj &"").. T) 1 -.- \.X~"7 "'-'"') ~ ¡- 1..~ S-",. '''~- "",~..,.J A--+. ..!- ""7 ~-....., ~_... To 1>. ~.~ t",- ·F'\ ..... - --....... .n.c,1.l, ne,Jer, he.LllZ" vOH.llSOL <.'Let (;"O.LLeJ <! ill, J.>-LL\Pl". Pel] Telenhonc ~Qn1'Occr~~+i~re n-ocen+ 1'n~q1'clin~ ~ ~lc inctq]l- ..!.j -1- ~ _.~ -1__ 1-·....'- -'----'v ..............~;:,._\.J1~.Ç"'-~ L_'C~" v,,","\i ,!~_,J.v~", .-_....t.. ._c:;.-...~c-._.. -_·~~~...;,c:; -' ....._....., ~_.~}--' <..q .- ~ii~~G~e~~~~ ~~e~~ro~p~iîC;;~~~O~~P~~~t~~l;~~~~s~creed to provide I:ollie Rass:l.er IJJ:":eserlt:eèt 3 ~liV'-il e}ererJse ~re})oJ~~G. it 1:1ot5_011 1.'!D2 m3de by Heber and seconded by Rau to r03ppoint ROssier civil " ... _ . , ~, ,. . u ( . ) C' ðI' ,Y....· <' e r" - -."r',,,,,, --O-l" ''''0 ~u, 0'" {' .-, "~'''UI ecl 1,',...,,..., -,~-. ""'0" C' Lc 0.=..10- U__L.Lr~;vG .~. .i:'1 L.L 1.-.:. ,-,c~J..J.._-·I1... ~~l.l.<.......Ll.!--<..'-l í..~tJ . J01111 lC:terzelc p~reSe11_t:cdo 11]-.3 l~e}JOI't OXl T,J_811t 0T-ì81~D tj.Orl. L011QY¡+ry: rCJ-f~;O'r"+: e; ~l!eoð l-:o.co'p(10-p _ lve~·¡--e¡~11o-F'f~ Cn ~e - ï~e7ìO("";!JC 01\ Juï;"L~th ;~li~~ 1~~rk.- - To ;l~~~l;: '¡lit}~ ~ ¿~~)'n~~~- ~;;., sreeð. 1-~a~~lÜn~~~ (':i.~i r-~"""I ('\"07e-C'-+ 0-.-'''0' fpç-"n':'.Te'"':-~- r~-pr:~~) t-.J -'- bLl \-... ¡..] l.....: '-r.l.l _ .'-0 ...; 1- '.:~ -~ ri c) -'- \.) Q . Hotion made by Hau secorÖod by Heber to aT;iJ01nt Bud Heber to pJ_Gll11i11[~ COFltlj~ssj_orl. Mike NiergDrten called councilfs attention to truck rkinc & loading danger at Sauer Store front. Tree at N E corner o~ Penn and Minnesota streets (180 Roeder corner) also listed os +'p'1f'f"iC'11"1Z'')'('c'] ('1,10 ti~l1(>k lo",ci'in::" c;i J-o hP- Ol'clei~ed) v_ C,_ _ _-_ ~ __c= _c~~~ -_e .......~ .....'--'_._ _'_ G_ '_---'-.:"";;-_, i-....:~ l~ ¡".J.J" ~ _ 1._ ~. ¿õ;.-t~torl1ey r~llapI) sllg[~es~Ged plé111Y1J.11_t-~: conlrlj_ss:loYl reOI)("1Tl I¡;2_st~ 811(1 I annexation study. . e ""1 ,_ I .. .-, _J~-¿I"l¡'! .. . D1ScUSSlon hela on alSTressea areo alae, ~O% leaeral natchJnc ~ I - - - '--' basis for street surfacing. ~~~;~~t:~:e by Schneider seconded by Reberto pay bills os Motion made by Reber & seconded li to send letter to liquor dealers reGardinG payment of license fees. - J01111 Kl1DI)lJ }Jl~eS811_t~ocl 11c11101'1 ol?c1ìYlt;]}Ce reDò_j~rlg. Discussion on Doliee Dolicies at St. Bcnedicts held. ToJlet 2~~1l~~îrý t~O~~~;~~U~;~~~~~~t~:t~~~~c1 to Si~~~â[; tru;~~d rO~L' h'neL stressed. :;~{~~~~ wage D ~c~:~rè~;~ct: S~~~~l;;~~: {~y Cy;.¡;\ t~ ~~?1'~2 so .}!j_c~: }?l':esch ~L-._,~<, ;;¡P',-. _e,~ "..o_~_...~ ..0 ~.~otJ.,.L.ce "~0._,,,~-,-(;cJ,1~zc,L10~_ c...."' .18",1'0 DC ti vc ~to 3tl1~/ J_, ~L ~)6t~ }fo~tio:r1 =~1.ede b:,~ RelJcc seeoJ:ì_c1ed ]~Qr:. -1=0 t LOl"?eIl1:z to 11j_l~e ~~~l;~~~n~~o~~~~ at 1.25 per b.our for pa ~ 2nd ?1iscollDl1eollS I '4'1'--,,1 O~'L; C! -i "ì- 1" ~ V'O .,.. ~ y., ~c" 'c-~ ~- i 1 ',~ ~..,..¡- "~~ ,,,'" 1 ,--~ ,., ~ e L.; .~ ,. .I....JLl.l:j~ t.!-- '..,.., "-"P~.-.-:\- ...:-\::.:;ç ç -.:.;<.) ,_}~L..ç,,: L l-U..i G~~;. L1VJ-'-..v 1. ÇL~i_~~,.C~..f. Litj ~ L~'.Jl,-:-.o '-F .!.-"()"~ J.. ~',-; ,-"".~ "",.-,1.", !"lL 1".01 A'1'5 1'~0 lo......'-.U ",0 .,",".0,,"" '''0,"<' c, C ~c:, -. . .,'" ~ U ...., ....r· . 1 - c - . - ()~.~ ~lrgl_~ LoaerU8ier, Mayor Dob JortDSOD, clerJ.(