HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.01.20 President’s Day, Monday, February 17th. Monday, January 20th and Mar?n Luther King Day, City Offices will be closed in observance of informa?on in the mail in March 2020. tu?on. Residents can expect to receive ed States as mandated by the U.S. Cons?-works to count every resident in the Unit-Every 10 years the U.S. Census Bureau ees, and conduc?ng market research. loca?ng factories and stores, recrui?ng employ-Census data assists businesses in Businesses: popula?ons.and emergency services to best serve changing plan roads, schools, hospitals, senior centers, Census data helps decision makers Planning: each year. Joseph, about $2,800 in federal funding is lost muni?es. For each person not counted in St. than $15 billion distributed to Minnesota com-local communi?es each year, including more $589 billion in federal spending allocated to Census data guides approximately Funding: a seat in Congress. Minnesota is at risk of losing state government. House of Representa?ves, as well as districts for number of seats each state has in the U.S. Census data determines the Representa?on: Joseph?Why is comple?ng the census important to St. . 2020census.govinforma?on visit sponding online, by mail, or by phone. For more Every household will have the op?on of re- Enjoy your winter rschultz@cityofstjoseph.com 0393-260-email me. 320mind, please don’t hesitate to call or As always, if there is something on your Pathways 4 Youth. will be the St. Joseph Food Shelf and pounds of food. The charity this year local chari?es, and brought in 2,515 years, this event has raised $178,498 for will be held in Millstream park. In 28 8pm), the 28th Annual St. Cloud Ice Bowl –(7am th ed for the winter, on January 11While there are not a ton of events slat- to and from a variety of places.mee?ng expecta?ons for aiding people good service during difficult ?mes, efficient manner. They provide -and costsnow and ice control in a safe, ?mely Works Department provides a?en?on to With winter upon us, snow, our Public have available space. ?on and one of the few municipali?es to expand. St. Joseph is the perfect loca-dium size businesses, looking to start or will act as a cornerstone to small to me-?on of our industrial park. This new area We did see the start and near comple- the posi?on. all tasks and learning the intricacies of has performed tremendously, taking on of the city. In his short ?me here, Kris Weyrens and now leads the opera?ons Kris Ambuehl was hired to replace Judy City Administrator torch being passed. The major change this past year was the as prologue…will history repeat itself? likely happen in 2020. Will the past serve what has taken place and see what may We can look at our recent past, know and passages.the past. Janus is the god of ?me, gates simultaneously looks to the future and depicted as having two faces, because he god of beginnings and endings. He is nus. In ancient Roman myth, Janus is the month is named for the Roman god Ja-As January is here, I’m reminded that the Welcome to 2020. NEW Mayor Rick Schultz FROM THE DESK OF THE MAYOR NEW!FAQ PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION business.conventions will still take place to conduct other party precinct caucuses and local and state nominating Yes, Will there s?ll be precinct caucuses? .state for the primary costsCounty and municipalities will be reimbursed by the ry?Who will pay for the presiden?al nomina?on prima- .tion of delegates in each partyThe presidential primary results must bind the elec- Will par?es have to abide by the primary results? ballot will be secret.each major political party. How a voter voted on the each voter selected will be provided to the chair of ytrap lacitilop eht dna yramirp noitanimon laitnediis private data. However, a list of who voted in a pres-A voter’s choice of party ballot will be recorded and quest?Will other people know which party’s ballot I re- .yramirp noitanimon laitnediselect a party, they will not be able to vote in the pres-ballot of the party of their choice. If a voter refuses to (starting January 17, 2020). A voter must request the ballot in the 46 days before presidential primary day place on presidential primary day or by absentee Registered voters will be able to vote at their polling na?on primary?How will I be able to vote in the presiden?al nomi- August.offices with a primary will be on the primary ballot in will appear on the presidential primary ballot. Other No, only presidential candidates from a major party Will any other offices be on the ballot? .counted seven days before the primaryin candidates to be -will need to submit names of writeOnly if it is requested by the party chair. Party chairs “uncommi?ed”?Will there be a place to write in a choice or vote for made to candidates that will appear on the ballot.Once a party’s list is submitted, changes will not be What if a candidate drops out before the primary? dates for the party’s ballot no later than 12/31/19. The chair of each party will submit a list of candi- party’s ballot?Who decides which candidates will appear on a .No, each major party will have a separate ballot ?Will all par?es be on the same ballot major parties will participate. No, only na?on primary?Will all par?es par?cipate in the presiden?al nomi- .March 3, 2020 place?When will the presiden?al nomina?on primary take for ?mes and loca?ons.on March 3rd. See above Vote at the polls * 5:00 PM—Monday, March 2; 8:00 AM 3:00 PM–Saturday, February 29; 10:00 AM 4:30 PM—28; 8:00 AM—February 25 Government Center Direct Vo?ng) at the Vote early in person (* be?er!the sooner the —ASAPshould be submi?ed at www.mnvotes.org. Applica?ons for ballots available at the Government Center and online . Applica?ons are Vote by absentee ballot* mary. There are three opportuni?es to vote:ballot in the NEW Presiden?al Nomina?on Pri-Voters will be given the opportunity to cast a PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PRIMARY Polls are open 7 AM un?l 8 PM. Callaway St E.nue will vote in the Government Center, 75 Voters residing east of College Ave-—Precinct 2 Benedict.on the southeast campus of the College of St. Avenue will vote in the Haehn Campus Center Voters residing west of College —Precinct 1 City of St. Joseph Polling Informa?on November 3, 2020—General Elec?on August 11, 2020—Primary Elec?on March 3, 2020—Presiden?al Primary 2020 ELECTION DATES WWW.MNVOTES.ORGMore vo?ng and ballot informa?on at: tunity to cast a ballot 3 ?mes!In the year 2020 voters will have the oppor- 7201-363-320 January 2020 www.cityofstjoseph.com In the Know in St. Joseph View Lane and 13th Ave SE.Cypress Dr, Elm St, Baker St, Callaway St, 12th Ave SE, Pond * The final layer of bituminous will be paved on Old Hwy 52, * Mill and pave 4th Ave NE. Birch St W, Ash St W and 1st Ave NW.SE, Pond View Ln, Callaway St, Cary Ct, Cedar Ct, Dale St, * Resurfacing por?ons of 4th Ave SE, Western Ct, 12th Ave in the 2020 construc?on season:complete on Jade Rd. The following work will be completed aggregate shouldering and striping are Pond View Lane and 13th Ave SE. Paving, St, Baker St, Callaway St, 12th Ave SE, completed on Old Hwy 52, Cypress Dr, Elm The first layer of bituminous has been –Warming house is closed if temps are below 8 PM—Saturdays & Sundays 12 noon 8 PM—Friday 4—Monday ers to enjoy. Warming house hours are as follows: The Memorial Park rink is for both hockey & recrea?onal skat- SKATING RINK IS OPEN FIRE HYDRANTS Tax Rate is the result of dividing the amount of property evied by the net tax capacity value $205.01 $1,218.65 $1,095.06 ($1,100) $193,900 $180,000 Home 3 $209.20 $1,063.42 $943.56 ($1,200) $169,200 $155,100 Home 2 $335.01 $1,845.87 $1,648.64 ($1,900) $293,700 $271,000 Home 1 all Jurisdic?ons2020 Tax increase with 2020 City Taxes 2019 City Taxes crease in MVReduc?on due to In-Homestead Credit 2020 Market Value Taxable 2019 Market Value Taxable 9.15% ↑ NTC $4,210,888 16th City Council agenda. The budget and Five Year Capital Plans can be found on the city website.A more in depth budget discussion can be found in the December .on a couple City residents (impacts based on Proposed 2020 tax statements). ow shows the impact belplying the tax rate to the 9% market value increase, residents will see an increase in their 2020 property taxes. The chart Rail Authority. With all jurisdic?ons combined, the overall tax rate shows a flat rate. When ap-well including Stearns County, St. Cloud School District 742, Sauk River Watershed District and 9%, the resul?ng city tax rate increased 1.7%. The property taxes include other jurisdic?ons as all 2020 city budget decreased, the city levy increased. With a market value increase of -The over truck, fire gear, cameras.out, street sweeper, tractor, computers, u?lity -Capital equipment including squad buy  ter repairs, PW BuildingOther projects: Sewer lining, Monument Park repairs, parking lot repairs, alleys/storm wa-  East Park plan?ng and development  Minnesota Street streetscape plan and phase I implementa?on  Implementa?on of the organiza?on study  Staffing: FT maintenance worker, PT recrea?ons director plus programming, planning Intern  The City of St. Joseph’s 2020 budget includes the following enhancements: els of service. levary 1, 2020. Property tax statements will be mailed by Stearns County in March. The 2020 budget and levy assumes con?nued in effect Janu- go The City Council adopted the 2020 levy, budget, capital spending plans and fee schedule in December. The implementa?on will 5:30 PM Resurrec?on Lutheran Church—3:30 FARE FOR ALL 2020 www.barretsmusic.com. Music visit and beginner instrumental lessons. To learn more about Barre?’sclude guitars, drums, keyboards, sheet music, instrument service, but to musical instrument beginners too. Barre?’s offerings in-friendly opera?on caters not just to professional players, -service music store. Their -Guitar. Barre?’s is a family owned fullis located at 708 Elm St E, the former site of Riff City BARRETT’S MUSIC resume spring of 2020.Grading for city streets and installa?on of u?li?es started this fall and will shovel ready lots for industrial development, including manufacturing. Located north of town off of CR 133 will provide NEW INDUSTRIAL PARK north of town at the corner of CR 133 and 15th Ave NE.Completed their new office & warehouse building STRACK COMPANIES .now openlocated at 604 Elm St E is DOLLAR GENERAL developments: The City of St. Joseph welcomes the following businesses and June 16 September 21 December 14 March 16 November 16 February 10 May 11 August 17 October 19 January 20 April 20 July 20 drant in all direc?ons should be clear of ice and snow. ter supply for firefigh?ng. Ideally, a space of three feet around the fire hy-hose into the hydrant and provide a wa-provides a clear working space to hook much like clearing your sidewalk, and also allows for a safer working surface, ice and snow away from the fire hydrant Clearing and access in the event of a fire. snow to help provide quick iden?fica?on hydrant in your neighborhood free of We appreciate your help in keeping the PARK SHELTER RESERVATIONS Damage deposit $200/day Damage deposit $100/day Rental Fee $107.63/day Rental Fee $91.48/day Millstream Park Centennial Park transferable. refundable/-remainder of the park is open to the public. All rental fees are non. The onlythat reserving a park shelter permits you exclusive use of the shelter long. Please note -September; Millstream Shelter is available year—ble MayContact the City Offices to reserve a park shelter. Centennial Shelter is availa- TBD /Oct 25—24 / Jun 28 / Jly 26 / Aug 23 / SeptJan 26 / Feb 23 / Mar 22 / Apr 26 / May JOETOWN TABLE 2020