HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.01.20
Please use the park wisely and pick up a?er your animal. .erscourage all patrons to keep the park clean and safe for all us-We are not eager to do anything so dras?c, but instead
want to en- ”.standards are metthey will shut down the facility un?l sanitary drama?cally improve,if condi?ons do not “ situa?on as Carver County where they have saidWe certainly
do not want to be in a similar considered unsanitary.and may be leash dog area, as condi?ons seem to be deteriora?ng-This is a simple reminder to those who use our off Scoop the
Poop.Be Safe and Have Fun, mind everyone of some dog park e?que?e:d like to re-’While it may not be the most pressing topic, I stream.seph, my dogs take full advantage of the dog
park at Mill-On another ma?er, like many other residents in and around St. Jo- they serve. each one of them deserve utmost admira?on from the community make is not one they take
lightly. They have very difficult jobs and responsibility to our community. The commitment police officers dedica?on. Each officer is diligent, engaged and takes pride in their I am very
proud of and will always support our police staff and their second decisions must be made.-death situa?on in which split-and-at any moment that officer could face a poten?al life -ray
of incidents address a domes?c violence call, or responding to any other wide ar-whether en route to the scene of an accident, entering a house to -our compassion and respect. They
knows that it does not ma?er The challenging work these police officers do in the field earns them community they serve.public service and put their lives on the line for the residents
of the country, the police officers in St. Joseph have devoted their careers to Despite recent controversies involving police in other parts of the s horrific episode. ’having lived
through Brian Klinefelterbasis. St. Joseph is well aware of the hazards Police Officers face, gun incidents remind us of the dangers these officers face on a regular gave St. Joseph Law
Enforcement regional a?en?on. These drug and Police Force Recogni?on. Recently there were two incidents which local communi?es each year. data guides approximately $589 billion
in federal spending allocated to the size of vo?ng districts for state and local governments. Census seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representa?ves, as well as the very ideals
of our na?on. Census data determines the number of of American democracy, inscribed in our Cons?tu?on and rooted in get Counted. The Census is at the heart –Census Day is April 1,
2020 guide the overall development of St. Josephthe City Council regarding planning and zoning ma?ers, and helps appointment. The Planning Commission makes recommenda?ons to Congratula?ons
to Anne Meyer Jarrell on her Planning Commission .2020census.govby mail, or by phone. For more informa?on visit 2020. Every household will have the op?on of responding online, Residents
can expect to receive informa?on in the mail in March popula?on every 10 years since 1790.as mandated by the U.S. Cons?tu?on. The U.S. has counted its Census Bureau works to count
every person in the United States ent aspects of the St. Joseph community. Every 10 years the U.S. Schools. Roads and highways. The census can shape many differ-Health clinics. Fire
departments. Your response ma?ers. To establish automa?c withdrawal (ACH) please contact the City Offices for a form. $ Pay over the phone at 320.363.7201. $ Pay online through our
website at www.cityofstjoseph.com. $ Deposit payments into the box located along the College Avenue side of the building $ Mail payments to 75 Callaway St E $ PM 4:30 —Fri, 8 AM-Pay
in person at the Government Center, Mon $ order, automa?c withdrawal (ACH), and credit/debit cards. Payment op?ons include:Payments may be made by cash, check, money HOW CAN I PAY
MY UTILITY BILL? This is the first increase since 2007.”. State Surcharge“your u?lity bill as connec?on each billing cycle for the Clean Water Act. This item is iden?fied
on nesota Department of Health, the City of St. Joseph must charge $1.62 per water As required by the Min-STATE SURCHARGE EXPERIENCES SLIGHT INCREASE are available for registra?on.rec?on
for this exci?ng new effort. There will also be a lis?ng of events that and take part is a survey that will help set the di- www.cityofstjoseph.comat . You may also visit the city
website recdirector@cityofstjoseph.comemail at In this effort we are seeking your input! Please let us know your interests via accomplish all of these things and more, but it will
take a village. lish a scholarship fund to defray these costs. We are confident that we can order for every child to par?cipate in healthy ac?vi?es we would like to estab-based programs
will offer. In -children that will not be able to afford the feeor service organiza?ons. In addi?on, we understand there will be a number of gram. This presents a fantas?c dona?on
opportunity for local businesses and/used equipment for the ball pro--Equally important is the need to replace well gram would benefit from volunteers to operate the concession stands.along
the course. The baseball/so?ball program and Movies in the Park pro-K later in the year, which will employ volunteer race marshals -plans for a 5ful, presen?ng various opportuni?es
for contribu?ons by volunteers. We have The fledgling Recrea?on Department will need help from many to be success- are all possibili?es. ses, senior yoga, fitness classes, hiking,
snow shoeing, Twins trips, and drama like to make more use of the Community Center and city parks. Pickleball clas-Currently, we are organizing a summer ball program for youth. We
would also Our goal is to provide ac?vi?es for a variety of ages in a variety of se?ngs. Joseph. plore building recrea?onal opportuni?es for residents of all ages here in St. was
involved in every aspect of community recrea?on. John is excited to ex-cently re?red from St. Cloud Park and Recrea?on, where he versed when it comes to community recrea?on. John
re-s new Recrea?on Director, John Anderson, is well ’The cityYou will see these rates applied for the first ?me on the March u?lity bill. NEW UTILITY RATES effec?ve January 1, 2020
Mayor Rick Schultz FROM THE DESK OF THE MAYOR 7201-363-320 March 2020 www.cityofstjoseph.com In the Know in St. Joseph
Dog Licenses Due at recdirector@cityofstjoseph.com.please contact Recrea?on Director John Anderson by phone at 320.557.8140 or by email If you have ques?ons, Youth Ac?vi?es. then
select Recrea?on Department, you will findtab, Departments . As you hover over the www.cityofstjoseph.comare available online at 12. Program details and registra?on forms -Programming
is now offered for youth ages 4 CITY YOUTH SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM NEW! Sponsored by the St. Joseph Lions Club PM7 —4:30 s Bar’Sal FRI APRIL 10 Sponsored by the St. Joseph
Catholic School 7:30 PM-St. Joseph Cath Schl 4 FRI APRIL 5 . Joe Joes Baseball Sponsored by St PM8 —5La Playe?e FRI MARCH 27 Joes Snowmobile Club-Sponsored by
Sno 8 PM-American Legion 4:30 FRI MARCH 20 Sponsored by Sons of the Legion 8 PM-American Legion 4:30 FRI MARCH 13 and radio sta?ons.site, cable access and local
newspapers freezing. No?fica?on will be via the web-should there be a threat of service lines will make every effort to no?fy residents water about as thick as a pencil. The City encouraged
to run a steady stream of the event. NHTSAinattention within three seconds before crashes involved some form of driver -Nearly 80% of crashes and 65% of near PARKING REMINDERS Gravel
is prohibited.A parking pad requires a city zoning permit to ensure proper placement and material. from property lines and 20 feet on a corner side. to one can be parked in the
backyard on ground surface provided it is at least 10 feet s that are parked outside must be on a hard surface driveway or parking pad or up ’RV parked outside on a residen?al lot.
s (campers, boats, snowmobiles, etc.) can be ’A maximum of two licensed operable RV No vehicles can be parked on the grass/ground surface, except as noted below. vember 1st
to April 1st.7 AM on any roadway or alley from No--No vehicles can be parked overnight from 2 available un?l April 3, 2020.www.cityofstjoseph.com. The survey link will be survey
can be accessed through our website at services to help us be?er meet your needs. The minutes to answer 13 ques?ons about your City online survey of City services. Please take a few
The City of St. Joseph is par?cipa?ng in a free WE NEED YOUR INPUT WATER LINE FREEZE INFORMATION cart(s) curbside by 6AM for collec?onroute frequently. Please place your contractor
alternates their service Our : REFUSE COLLECTION TIME come extreme residents are vice lines. If the temperatures be-cold weather and the impact to ser-mindful of long periods of extreme
would like to remind residents to be frozen water lines at this ?me, we While the City is not experiencing any first ?me licensed –$10/dog st$25/dog beginning May 1 st$10/dog before
May 1 :Dog License Renewal Fees DOG LICENSES DUE APRIL 1ST $45 City of St. Cloud Residents St. Joseph & St. Wendel Township Residents $60 City of St.
Joseph Residents Rural Tax Rate $60 City of St. Joseph Residents Urban Tax Rate $35 Seasonal Compost Permit Fees: Nov 27 & 28 Sept 7 Labor Day July 4
Independence Day May 25 Memorial Day Compost Area will be CLOSED: 12 noon-PM; Saturdays 87 —4Mon Wed Fri 2020 Compost Hours: weather permi?ngOPENING MAY 1ST COMPOST PERMITS
AVAILABLE NOW! onto Baker St EAt the Government Center entering off College Ave S noon12 —Saturday May 23rd; 8 AM Appliance/Electronics Collec?on Thursday May 21st ONLY;
beginning at 6 AM Curbside collec?on annual clean up. -s ?me again for the semi’t I Save The Dates! APRIL 1ST