HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.01.20 .fundsthe city website for informa?on on use of the Watch City of St. Joseph received $551,340.The ta House of Representa?ves and Senate.governments as agreed upon by the Minneso-agreed to the distribu?on framework to local of the Legisla?ve Advisory Commission, The Minnesota Governor, with approval 19.-public health and economic impacts of COVIDeconomic relief to protect Minnesotans from of Minnesota received $1.8 billion in federal The State .th federal government on March 27nomic Security (CARES) Act passed by the part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eco-The CRF is , 2020. th November 15-March 1curred rela?ng to the Coronavirus between from the State to assist with expenses in-the federal Coronavirus Relief Funding (CRF) The City of St. Joseph received a por?on of CORONAVIRUS RELIEF FUNDING CITY HALL IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC & SANITATIONFOR SOCIAL DISTANCING PRECAUTIONS TAKEN police services that recognize the dignitymi?ed to providing our community with needs of our community. We remain com-moment as an opportunity to listen to the na?on and prejudices. We will use this issues and areas concerning racial discrimi-goes annual Implicit Bias training to address Addi?onally, the City of St. Joseph under-Force, Deadly Force, and Defense Tac?cs. force undergoes annual training in Use of nor endorsed. The City of St. Joseph police witnessed of George Floyd are not taught ards and training. The ac?ons filmed and Our police department follows POST stand- s trust. ’to gain the publiccommunity. Our police officers work hard businesses, and stakeholders within the and working closely with schools, residents, ty policing which focuses on building ?es ac?vi?es. St Joseph incorporates communi-get to know them throughout their daily ers are much closer to the community and and each person they encounter. Our offic-integrity, commi?ed to their community City of St. Joseph. They are of the highest I know each police officer employed by the occur here.happened in Minneapolis, it absolutely will nor impulsive reac?on that just because it I also do not want to get into an emo?onal, s death is a tragedy without a doubt. ’Floydcharged with crimes against George Floyd. ac?ons of the police officers who have been Let me be succinct, I do not condone the handle all situa?ons appropriately. a police department with officers skilled to are always learning and striving to cul?vate dy is of the utmost importance. While we s care while in our custo-’dignity. A persontreat anyone in custody with respect and emphasize that we expect our officers to from occurring in St Joseph. First ,let me are doing to prevent such a tragic incident of you have asked what we have done and our state (Minneapolis and St Paul). Many are faced with civil unrest, emana?ng from addressing the Coronavirus pandemic, we long, burdensome State Execu?ve Orders were beginning to see light at the end of a Just as our country, state and community the City Offices at 363.7201.contact or, www.mnvotes.org requirements, see nesota allows for same day voter registra?on. For If you are unable to register before elec?on day, Min- .GENERAL ELECTION NOV 3, 2020 waits in the precinct.Registering before elec?on day can save you long or midnight online July 21, 2020.Your last opportunity to register is in person at 5 PM, . www.mnvotes.org register online at -may also pres Office. You ’person at the Stearns County Auditor-tra?on Applica?on and submit it by mail, fax or inYou may register to vote by comple?ng a Voter Regis- REGISTRATION for PRIMARY-PRE www.mnvotes.org City Offices and online at ASAP. Absentee ballot applica?ons are available in the s office will mail a ballot to you ’The Auditor Office.s ’an absentee ballot applica?on to the Auditorabsentee ballot by mail, you may complete and return mailing ?me when choosing this op?on. To cast an 10, 2020. However, we encourage voters to consider The last day to apply for an absentee ballot is August ABSENTEE VOTING BY MAIL June 26th through August 10. Stearns County Service Center & downtown loca?on Absentee vo?ng in person is also available at the August 10 (Mon) vo?ng is extended un?l 5 PM PM and3 –August 8 (Sat) 10 AM PM; and4:30 –Fri 8 AM -Mon August 7—4August Center as follows:Absentee vo?ng in person will be in the Government ABSENTEE VOTING IN PERSON PM.Polls are open from 7 AM un?l 8 :VOTING HOURS Center, 75 Callaway St E.lege Avenue, Vo?ng will take place in the Government All eligible voters residing east of Col- :PRECINCT 2 TION LUTHERAN CHURCH, 610 CO RD 2.RESURREC-Vo?ng will talk place at . College AvenueAll eligible voters residing west of PRECINCT 1 : PLEASE NOTE PRECINCT 1 HAS CHANGED The City of St. Joseph has two vo?ng precincts: day, August 11th, 2020. open at 8 AM Tuesday, July 28, closing at 5 PM Tues-Filings (notarized) and a $15 filing fee. CandidacyAffidavit of Candidates must complete and submit an 4 yr terms-2 Council posi?ons yr term2 — :include the following officesThe State General Elec?on on November 3rd, 2020 will FILING FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICES GENERAL NOV 3rd th PRIMARY AUG 11 PM7——M 651.201.3920 or 800.657.3903 MN Dept of Health HOTLINE PM—F 8:30 AM—M 320.656.6625 OR 577.782.5683 Stearns County St. Cloud HOTLINE CentraCare Connect Available 24/7 320.200.3200 Medical Advice HOTLINE  www.cityofstjoseph.comdents and businesses on our website at date informa?on for our resi--to-Find up Mayor Rick Schultz FROM THE DESK OF THE MAYOR transparency.a mobile app for improved communica?on and services, etc. This update will also allow use of ence for material related to training, incidents, will include easier access and points of refer-a rapid update/upgrade to our website, which 19, the city is undergoing -In the wake of Covid trator Kris Ambuehl.by contac?ng me as Mayor, or our city adminis-want everyone to feel safe. That can be done needs to come forward and be examined. We munity feel an issue needs to be addressed, it I do want to emphasize, if people in the com- City of St. Joseph.and respect for all residents and guests of the 7201-363-320 July 2020 www.cityofstjoseph. com In the Know in St. Joseph PAOUTDOOR WATERING TIPS FROM THE E system overall.s plumbing and the wastewater ’lems on your homethe trash. Doing so will help alleviate any future prob-If you must use wipes, please throw them directly into that may grow to plug the pipe. ” ball“pipes catching debris and grease, and create a In addi?on, wipes can snag on imperfec?ons in sewer sands of dollars on equipment repair and replacement. on wastewater collec?on causing ci?es to spend thou-does to flow through sanitary sewers. This puts stress they do not break down enough the way toilet paper ” flushable“While many of these products are labeled lems when flushed down toilets, including sewer back-cause major prob-—hygiene, housecleaning, and moreused for changing diapers, personal —Disposable wipesThe only paper product to be flushed is toilet paper. FLUSH WISELY—PREVENT SEWER BACKUPS peanuts, and vegan op?ons will be available.menu. The ice cream will be free of tree nuts and waffle cones and cups, as well as a basic sundae focus on ice cream, with the vast majority for up window. The menu will -walkdoor and outdoor tables and a Cucina. The shop will feature in-just a few doors down from Bello Soon to be located at 15 MN St E, JUPITER MOON ICE CREAM .Trash it Cool It. Can it. TO GET RID OF GREASE .h?ps://h2youmn.complease visit For informa?on about storm water ship.outreach to promote water quality steward-other organiza?ons that provides educa?onal ?on of Central Minnesota ci?es, coun?es, and Water Educa?on Alliance (CMWEA) is a coali-The Central Minnesota —STORM WATER consent.s prior ’the property of another with the owneror building, or on any public property or upon fireworks may not be used within any structure tween the hours of 10 PM and 8 AM. Legal works which cause noise are prohibited be-parent or guardian of the minor. Legal fire-21 authorized to supervise the minor by the parent or guardian, or a person over the age of legal fireworks under the supervision of their of 18 may only have possession or make use of Persons under the age Use of Legal Fireworks: looking great this summer!of any animal wastes. Help us keep St. Joseph keep yards clean and be sure to clear your yard unsightly items. Please be good neighbors and used building materials, yard waste, and other machinery, motor vehicle parts and ?res, un-side including trash, furniture, appliances, old nance prohibits storage of rubbish items out-City Ordi- :Property Maintenance Reminder tate to call 911.As always, if you see something suspicious do not hesi- Turn on your outside residence lights. windows are closed and locked when appropriate.Check that the doors at your residence are locked, and  from the garage to the residence.Ensure your garage door is shut, and lock the door  locked.parked in the driveway, and ensure your vehicle(s) are Remove the garage door openers out of any vehicles  from being a target for thieves.ing your valuables locked up to prevent your residence ?on to crime. As a daily rou?ne develop a habit of keep-and residences in the overnight hours may be an invita-to the?s and burglaries. Unlocked vehicles, open garages It is always important that we remain vigilant as it relates PREVENT THEFTS AND BURGLARIES at 363.7201.for more informa?on or call Kayla recdirector@cityofstjoseph.comPark Board. Email sure services and making this a more livable community please consider joining the board meets once a month for an hour and a half. If you have an interest in the lei-and development and brainstorms recrea?onal opportuni?es for the residents. The the city council on park improvements, plans capital outlay for park improvements ?me. The Park Board is an important piece of the municipal machinery and advises The city has been opera?ng without a func?oning Park Board for some PARK BOARD virus. We look forward to a brand new spring?me and virus free sports season. was cancelled due to concerns around the corona-BALL -BASEBALL/SOFTBALL/T yet. re not out of the woods ’but we” opening up“cially distanced fun. The state may be for some ideas for so- www.cityofstjoseph.com/313/recrea?onLEMONADE Feel free to bring your lawnchairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for pur-equipment. Sea?ng will begin at 7:30 PM, show to begin at approximately 8:30 PM. hind the St. Joseph Community Center, beyond the playground FROZEN ll will be shown on Thursday, August 6 be- THE PARK MOVIE IN nec?on and ?ghten as necessary.don't forget to check for leaks at your spigot con-walks, and steps rather than hosing them off. And Sweep driveways, side- :Give your hose a break ?on, and fewer weeds.resistant lawn, reduced evapora--a more droughter grass promotes deeper root growth, resul?ng in Raise your lawn mower blade. Long- :Leave it long courage overwatering.amount of moisture at the plant's roots and dis-pensive soil moisture sensor can also show the grass springs back, it doesn't need water. An inex-because it's hot out. Step on the lawn, and if the Grass doesn't always need water just :Step on it mer:lawn and garden with less water this sum-steps you can take to promote a healthier kler system, there are a number of simple Even if your home doesn't have a sprin- See you in 2021 ! CANCELLED Households 2,192 Popula?on 7,342 2019 Popula?on Es?mates St. Joseph Con?nues to GROW! MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7th CITY OFFICES CLOSED